murder for PPP fraud in NevadaAs investigators looked more into the case, they discovered a vast network of fraudulent loans, murder, violence, threats, extortion, and more. Now, the suspect is being hit with at least three additional murder charges that stem back as far as 2021, and further criminal charges might still be forthcoming.

Detectives now believe that Coleman was an integral part of a fraudulent PPP loan scheme. It’s believed that Coleman partnered up with Las Vegas resident Carl Chester. Together, the duo would convince unsuspecting people to agree to accepting PPP loans during and after the pandemic.

These loans were designed to help businesses stay afloat and keep their employees paid up during the crisis, but this group would convince businesses that didn’t actually need the loans to go ahead and take them out anyway.

In exchange for “helping” these businesses get their PPP money, Chester and Coleman would take a cut of the loan. If the business didn’t give the duo their cut, then one of the two men would show up at the business and begin threatening or attacking the victims. At least four of Chester and Coleman’s “clients” were murdered. Now, Coleman is being implicated in all four deaths.

Chester passed away in March of 2024 after being murdered by the family members of one of Coleman’s victims. Police will continue to investigate the fraudulent loan scheme. Right now, it’s not clear whether the victims actually knew they were participating in an illegal scam or not.

When One Criminal Charge Grows into a Host of Charges

If you get arrested and charged with a crime, then it’s important to seek out timely legal representation. While it doesn’t happen all the time, prosecutors will sometimes cause your criminal case to grow exponentially by either charge stacking or charging you with multiple new crimes.

Charge stacking happens when you get charged with many different but similar charges all related to one singular criminal event, whereas multiple new charges can be filed regarding totally unrelated crimes, too.

In the case above, the suspect’s alleged crime spree spanned across three years and culminated in several murders. Investigators can look through the past years and ultimately charge the suspect with dozens of crimes as a result of his actions.

The right lawyer can help you navigate a complex case where you’re being charged with multiple criminal offenses. A quality legal defense team will help you determine your best strategy for defending yourself, which could mean tackling each charge individually or reducing the severity of your consequences by accepting a plea deal.

Here at LV Criminal Defense, our team of qualified legal representatives is prepared to aggressively defend you against any and all charges you’re facing. We’ll help you fully understand the charges against you, the potential penalties you could face, and the possible defense strategies you can use in court.

Schedule a meeting with us now to get started on your case.