Message from Steve Smith

About Steve Smith

(NOTE: reproduced by criminal lawyers of LV Criminal Defense from Steve Smith’s site, we do not endorse this or other candidates)

I am seeking your support for Clark County’s District Court Judge Department 4 position. I am the challenger to the incumbent.

Who can vote for Steve Smith, candidate for District Court, Department 4?

Any registered voter in Clark County, Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Mesquite, Henderson, Boulder City, Laughlin and any town or village in the boundaries of unincorporated Clark County and within the geographical boundaries of the County of Clark.

What are my credentials?

Top Rated Criminal Lawyer

Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


Since 1997, I have been a court-appointed Arbitrator in the Eighth Judicial District Court’s Mandatory Arbitration Program. I am also a Short Term Trial Judge. I have over 23 years of experience in Nevada, with over 35 years of total experience. Admitted in Nevada in 1991; admitted in Arizona in 1986; admitted in New Jersey in 1977. I have Las Vegas criminal law and “civil” experience. I am a former prosecutor.

  • Former Deputy Attorney General—New Jersey—Criminal Division
  • Former Federal OSHA Prosecutor, U.S. Department of Labor
  • Former Deputy Prosecutor, Maricopa County Attorney’s Office
  • Former Deputy Public Defender, Phoenix, Maricopa County
  • Former Associate General Counsel, Nevada Power Company (aka NV Energy)
  • Former State Attorney, Nevada, Division of Industrial Relations, State OSHA Prosecutor
  • Former General Counsel, Southern Nevada Health District
  • Certified Court Appointed Arbitrator, Eighth Judicial District Court—1997 to Present
  • Short Term Trial Judge, Eighth Judicial District Court—2006 to Present
  • Completed Justice of the Peace Judge Pro Tempore Training
  • Resident of Las Vegas for 21 years
  • Active in the State Bar of Nevada and the Clark County Bar Association: Member of the CLE Committee since 1997, Chair 1999-2001; Editorial Board for Communiqué 1995-2001; Editorial Board for Nevada Lawyer; State Bar-Southern Nevada Disciplinary Board; CLE Speaker & Author about Nevada Lemon Law; and Author about Nevada Gun Laws, Nevada Lawyer (February, 2014)

I produce and teach classes for the continuing legal education of Nevada lawyers. I have also written and published articles. I received my law degree from Rutgers Law School, Newark, New Jersey, where I was Editor in Chief of the law school newspaper, Rutgers Law Record. I would appreciate your consideration and your recommendation of my candidacy to your family, friends and colleagues.

Sincerely, STEVE SMITH Candidate for District Court Judge Department 4