man falsely accused of a crime by Nevada detective

Being Falsely Accused of a Crime in Las Vegas

The legal defense of False Accusation is a valid legal defense. If you’re facing criminal charges due to another person’s false accusations, you need to speak to a lawyer. If it’s a simple case of mistaken identity, it’s possible an attorney can.

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body DV 2nd offense

What Is Body Domestic Violence Second Offense?

This is a serious offense that requires a serious defense. A second-time misdemeanor BDV or Body Domestic Violence conviction that has occurred within seven years of the first offense requires ten days in jail. See: NRS 200.485. This can disrupt your life.

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forgery offenses

Is Forgery a Federal Offense?

Simply put, yes, it is. However, there are state laws against it as well. Both federal and state laws give severe penalties for any type of forgery, counterfeiting or, altering documents and instruments. It depends on the type of document altered. For.

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degrees of domestic battery in Nevada

What is Domestic Battery First Degree?

The charge of Battery First Degree Constituting Domestic Violence is one of the most unsettling, emotionally and mentally difficult ones to be faced with. It most often leads to counseling, anger management and substance abuse classes, restraining orders and fees and most.

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