Murder indictment in Las Vegas, NV

Former Nevada Politician Indicted for Murder

On April 25th, a Clark County grand jury officially voted to indict Daniel Rodimer, a former politician who ran to become a congressional candidate in Nevada. Police believe the victim, identified as Christopher Tapp, and the suspect were both attending a party.

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A crash after DUI in Las Vegas, NV

DUI Suspect Doesn’t Remember Crash that Killed 2

Authorities say the 64-year-old suspect, Cynthia Phelps, was speeding at an estimated 65 mph in a 45 mph zone. She was also driving in the wrong direction. According to witnesses and the arrest report, the suspect did not make any attempts to.

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police standoff in Las Vegas

Suspect Found Deceased After Multi-Day Standoff

Police in Las Vegas are dismayed to inform the public that a Henderson resident has passed away after a multi-day standoff with police. According to authorities in Henderson, the incident ended without any other injuries when police discovered the armed and barricaded.

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street race in Las Vegas, NV

Street Race Kills 2 Teens

Police reported that the accident led to two fatalities, and the victims were both minor teenagers. Police say the incident occurred last month on March 1, and the whole ordeal was caught on camera. The 26-year-old suspect, Jacob Michael Ybarra, was reportedly.

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sentencing of a Las vegas shooter

LV Man Sentenced to 8 Years to Life after Shooting Rampage

40-year-old Eddie Rabon recently pleaded guilty to attempted murder and first-degree kidnapping on March 28th after a 2023 shooting rampage incident. According to court records, the original incident happened back on April 13, 2023. Rabon was living at a home with his.

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las vegas cop fired for dui

Recently Hired Cop Fired for DUI

34-year-old Chasen Bradford worked very hard to obtain a job working as a Henderson police officer. Still, all of his training, education, and persistence amounted to nothing as he got fired about 48 hours after officially accepting an offer. According to police,.

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murder suicide in las vegas

Murder-Suicide After Verbal Altercation

On March 2nd at around 12:11 A.M., concerned neighbors called the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department when they heard shots ring out in an apartment complex. Police rushed out to the 3000 block of South Decatur Boulevard to the apartments on Saturday..

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Murder suspect in Las Vegas

Man Accused of Murder Found Deceased

Police say 36-year-old Mark Michael Ford is believed to have killed two individuals a week apart in February. The first incident is believed to have occurred on February 20th, a Tuesday. Investigators say they discovered the unresponsive female deceased at the 11000.

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