Fact Checker: Do more guns lead to less crime?

Fact Checker: Do more guns lead to less crime?

When there's a tragic shooting, it's always a time for reflection about guns' role in society. Say you're going to work and you see someone pull a gun, threatening to harm others. Do you wish you had a gun so you could.

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Tips for Nevadans to elude the new IRS scam

Tips for Nevadans to elude the new IRS scam

Nevadans have recently become a victim to a new kind of scam that is causing quite a disturbance. Public is advised to beware of any phone calls from unknown numbers, where a person claiming to be of authority might threaten you with.

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Rules of Professional Conduct 7.2, 7.2A and 7.3 Amended

Rules of Professional Conduct 7.2, 7.2A and 7.3 Amended

The Supreme Court of Nevada issued ADKT 445, which amends Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC) 7.2, 7.2A and 7.3, which pertain to lawyer advertising, filing requirements for advertising and communications with perspective clients. The amendments to the RPCs take effect on December.

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Telling the Difference between Home Invasion and Burglary

Telling the Difference between Home Invasion and Burglary

When a person is charged with breaking and entering another person's home, prosecutors frequently charge both Home Invasion and Burglary.  Burglary is entering a protected structure with the intent to commit a crime inside.  In contrast, Home Invasion is forcibly entering an.

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