Don’t fall prey to check scams
The Better Business Bureau calls it one of the biggest crimes currently hitting Middle Tennessee. It’s one of the oldest scams on the books, just dressed up to trick people into parting with.
Read MoreThe Better Business Bureau calls it one of the biggest crimes currently hitting Middle Tennessee. It’s one of the oldest scams on the books, just dressed up to trick people into parting with.
Read MoreIf you are like most people in many places around the world today you have a legitimate concern about the prospect of becoming the victim of identity theft. With that in mind, you may be wondering what steps you can take in.
Read MoreScreaming passengers fled in terror from a Greyhound bus as an unidentified fellow passenger suddenly stabbed a man sleeping next to him, decapitated him and waved the severed head at horrified witnesses standing outside. The apparently unprovoked assault left 36 men, women.
Read MoreTeenage Workplace Sexual Abuse Workplace sexual abuse of teenagers has been a problem which has either been inadvertently overlooked or deliberately ignored. Neither choice is right. A recent program on America's Public Broadcasting System highlighted the dangers and issues. A surprising statistic.
Read MoreI’ve been saying that the Enronesque criminal prosecutions of meltdown figures is probably looming, beginning with Lehman’s Fuld, though this would be a mistake. This NY Mag article brings Fuld’s prosecution closer. Here's Carney's summary: The article makes clear that while Lehman.
Read MorePeter Henning, former SEC lawyer, offers some expert thoughts on the NYT's Dealbook. He notes a bunch of red flags: a single advisor (Madoff), tiny accounting firm outside of NYC with no other investment business clients ("[a]single investment manager and an almost non-existent auditor is a.
Read MoreThe judge presiding over the armed robbery trial of O.J. Simpson warned potential jurors not to punish him over the 1995 criminal trial in which the former football star was acquitted of double-murder charges. Judge Jackie Glass of Clark County in Las.
Read MoreIrrational Fear and Unwarranted Phobias Power the #TrumpTrain With the terror attacks in Paris still in the nation's collective memory, the occurrence of Islamophobia in America is shocking. Many people — mostly naive and ignorant — believe all terrorist attacks carried out.
Read MoreSteely McBeam's reputation is now a bit tarnished. One of the men hired by the Steelers to play the mascot has been fired. Kenneth Hahey, 24, of Mt. Washington was charged with drunken driving after he was stopped in the South Side.
Read MoreThe Nevada Highway Patrol says Trooper Kara Kelly-Borgognone was taken off life support and died at approximately 2:45am Thursday. Borgognone was an organ donor so her body was kept alive in the intensive care unit at Renown Regional Medical Center until doctors could.
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