I keep posting articles about the recreational and abusive use of pharmaceutical drugs because I believe that it's an issue that is neither well explored in the media nor adequately acknowledged in the way our legal system around drugs is structured. At.

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The Dextromethorphan Reality Show

The Dextromethorphan Reality Show

February 6, 2016

What if you wanted to tell young people something they would actually believe about the recreational use of dextromethorphan in cough remedies? What if you were trying to give them an accurate picture of the experience, neither encouraging people to do it.

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Crappy Hackington Award: WXYZ.com

Crappy Hackington Award: WXYZ.com

February 4, 2016

Originally posted on Drug Law Blog by attorney Alex Coolman WXYZ.com, the website of an ABC affiliate in Detroit, has a piece on salvia divinorum today that richly deserves a Crappy Hackington Award. Why? Because it hits all the important bases for.

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