All Crimes

AbortionsAbout FirmAbuse and neglect of childrenAbuse, exploitation, or isolation of older persons and vulnerable personsAbuse, neglect or endangerment of child- Penalties; definitionsAccessory: Venue in Either CountyAcquittalAct of terrorism definedActs concerning federal food stampsActs of terrorism or attempted acts of terrorism prohibited; penaltiesActs of Terrorism; weapons of mass destruction; lethal agents; hoax substancesAdministration of Drug to AID Commission of CrimeAdministration of the Nevada Department of CorrectionsAdministrative License SuspensionAdmissibility of evidenceAdvertising goods and services to produce miscarriageAdvertising treatment, cure or prevention of sexual disordersAdvisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex OffenderAffirmative defense- Notice of intent to claim rebuttalAffrayAge of Consent in NevadaAgency of Criminal Justice DefinedAgricultural and Industrial ProgramsAid to Certain Victims of CrimeAiming firearm at human being; discharging weapon where person might be endangeredAircrafts and Motor VehiclesAlcoholic beveragesAlternative Program DefinedAmendment; notice of habitual criminality, habitually fraudulent felon or habitual felon.Amount of reimbursement that may be sought from prisoner who served sentence intermittently.Animals, Birds, Fish and PlantsAppeal by DefendantAppeal by stateAppeals and Remedies After ConvictionAppeals to district court, court of appeals and Supreme CourtAppeals to the District CourtAppearance Before Magistrate - Release from Custody By Arresting OfficerApplication for permit; eligibility; denial or revocation of permit.ArizonaArmed associationArraignmentArraignment and Preparation for TrialArrest by agent of Federal Bureau of Investigation or Secret ServiceArrest by officer of agent of bureau of indian affairs or police office employed by Indian tribeArrest by Peace officer or officer of drug enforcement administrationArrest by postal inspector of United States postal inspection serviceArrest DefinedArrest if Probable Cause AppearsArrest of alleged violator of paroleArrest Of JudgmentArrest of probationerArrest of probationer or supervised releaseeArrest WarrantsArrest without warrantArrest: By Whom and How MadeArsonArsonAssaultAssaultAssault Constituting Domestic ViolenceAssault with a Deadly WeaponAssault- Definitions penaltiesAssignment To Program For Treatment Of Mental IllnessAssignment To Program For Treatment Of Veterans And MilitaryAssistance to Victims of Domestic ViolenceAttempts to killAttendance of witnesses outside of stateAttorney’s Fees When Representing Certain VictimsAudiovisual recording of motion picturesAuthority and Responsibility Vested in the WardenAuthority Of The Court; LimitationsAuthority Vested in the Division of ParoleAuto BurglaryAvailable Assistance to Victims of Sexual AbuseAvailable Assistance to Victims of Sexual AssaultAwards
CaliforniaCalifornia-Nevada Compact for Jurisdiction on Interstate WatersCapital Punishment DefenseCar JackingCareersCarts used in Retail and LaundriesCases in which interception of wire or oral communications may be authorizedCasino MarkersCategories and punishment of feloniesCentral RepositoryCertified court reporter: Appointment; compensation; material required for and prohibited from inclusion in notes.Challenges For Cause For Individual JurorsCharging defendant by fictitious or erroneous name: Insertion of true name.Check FraudChemical WeaponsChild Abuse and NeglectChild PornographyChild SupportCitation for MisdemeanorCivil DisordersCivil forfeiture: Property subject to forfeiture.Civil Liability for Loss or Damage to PropertyCivil Penalties for Using False or Misleading AdvertisementsCivil RightsClaims and Services in Matters Affecting GovernmentClassification of crimesClient PortalCoercionCoercion Constituting Domestic ViolenceCoins and CurrencyCollecting for benefit without authorityCommercial BriberyCommercial DUICommission of An Act in a Public BuildingCommission of Certain Unlawful ActsCommon carrier Operation Under the Influence of Drugs or AlcoholCommunity NotificationCommunity Notification WebsiteCompensation for Certain Victims of Criminal ActsCompensation to crime victimsComplaint DefinedCompounding crimesComputer CrimesConcealed CarryConcealed FirearmsConduct of juryConduct of TrialCongressional, Cabnet, and Supreme Court Assassination, Kidnapping, and AssaultConsideration by Court of Alleged Violation; Assessment of ExpensesConsiderations for an Inmate Eligible for ParoleConspiracyConspiracyConspiracyConspiracy to Commit RICOConspiracy to Violate Uniform Controlled Substances ActConspiracy: Allegation and proof of overt act; evidence of overt acts not allegedContact Nick WooldridgeContact UsContemptContemptsContents of Warrant of ArrestContingency Account for Victims of Human TraffickingContractsContributing to the Delinquency of a MinorContributory Delinquency and neglect of childrenConvicted DefinedConviction or Acquittal in Another State or TerritoryConviction or acquittal in other county is sufficient defenseCorrectional Facilities Operating in NevadaCorrectional Institutions in NevadaCorrectional Institutions in Nevada: General ProvisionsCorrectional Program DefinedCorrectional program EstablishmentCorrupt and corruptly definedCounterfeiting and ForgeryCounterfeiting gold dust, bars or other articles; making or possessing instruments.Counterfeiting gold dust, bars or other articles; making or possessing instruments.Counterfeiting seals; forgery of signatures of public officersCounterfeiting stamps and labelsCounterfeiting trademark or designCourts may act upon information for all offensesCreation; members; Chair; qualifications; decisions.Credit Card FraudCredit cards and debit cardsCredits On Term Of ImprisonmentCredits Towards ImprisonmentCrime Against a Child DefinedCrime of Affecting Market Price With False StatementsCrime of retaking goods from custody officerCrime of setting spring gunCrime of stolen valorCrimes A-ZCrimes Against PropertyCrimes against Public Decency | Vegas Defense LawyerCrimes Against Public Health and SafetyCrimes Against Public JusticeCrimes Against ReligionCrimes Against the Legislative PowerCrimes Against the PersonCrimes Against the Public PeaceCrimes Against the Revenue and Property of This StateCrimes Against the Sovereignty of This StateCrimes By and Against the Executive Power of This StateCrimes Involving Documents of TitleCrimes involving production and sale of obscene materialCrimes of rescues from custodyCriminal AppealsCriminal contemptCriminal Defense Attorney in RenoCriminal Extradiction (Uniform Act)Criminal forfeiture: Property subject to forfeitureCriminal gang recruitmentCriminal neglect of patientsCriminal Penalties For False or Misleading AdvertisementsCriminal proceedings- Venue.Criminal Record SealingCriminal Street GangsCriminal syndicalismCultivation Grow HousesCustodyCustody, Care, and Education of InmatesCustoms
Damage To Prison and JailsDangerous exhibitionsDangerous or vicious dogs- Unlawful acts; penaltiesDangerous Weapons and FirearmsDeath Penalty CasesDeath resulting from overloading of passenger vessel penaltiesDeath resulting from unlawful manufacture or storage of explosives; penaltyDefenses and objections which must be raised by motion.Definition of Reasonable Doubt; No Other Definition To Be Given To JuriesDefrauding proprietor of hotel, inn, restaurant, motel or similar establishmentDegree of evidence to warrant indictment; objection.Degrees of murder; penaltiesDelivery of goods covered by outstanding negotiable document of titleDepartment of Alternative SentencingDepartment of CorrectionsDepositionsDesecrration flagsDestroying evidenceDestruction Of, Or Interference With, Vessels Or Maritime FacilitiesDetention of United States prisonersDirecting light emitted from laser device at aircraft with intent to interfere with operation of aircraft; penalty.DischargeDischarge From ParoleDischarging firearm in or upon public streets or in places of public resort; throwing deadly missiles; duties of civil, military and peace officers; penalties.Disclosure By Befendant Of Intent To Claim AlibiDiscovery and InspectionDiscovery by defendant before preliminary examination; material subject to discovery; effect of failure to permit discovery.Discrimination Categories Under Nevada LawDispersing hoax substance prohibited; penaltiesDisposal Of Property Stolen Or EmbezzledDissemination of informationDisturbing meetingDNA DefinedDomestic ViolenceDomestic Violence And StalkingDrug CrimesDrug traffickingDuels and ChallengesDUI and MarijuanaDUI and Prescription DrugsDUI Blood TestDUI with Serious Injury or DeathDuration of Duty to RegisterDURATION; ARREST FOR ALLEGED VIOLATIONDuty to Register and Keep Registration CurrentDuty to report violent or sexual offense against child 12 years of age or younger
Effect Of Appeal By StateEffect of determinationElder AbuseElder Law Resources on the WebElect Steve Smith: District Court Judge Dept. 4Elections and Political ActivitiesElectric Daisy Carnival ArrestsElectronic SupervisionElectronic Supervision of PrisonersElectronic supervision of unconvicted person detained before trialEligibility of prisoners for electronic supervisionEligibility, Qualifications, and Designation of Case Hearing RepresentativesEmbezzlementEmbezzlementEmbezzlement and TheftEmblems, Insignia, and NamesEmergency Communications InterferenceEngaging in ProstitutionEngaging in prostitution or solicitation for prostitution after testing positive for exposure to human immunodeficiency virus- Penalty; definitionEngaging in prostitution or solicitation for prostitution- Penalty; exceptionEntry of judgment of conviction; what papers constitute record of actionEscape and RescueEscapes and Related offensesEspionage and CensorshipEstablishment and ContentsEvaluate Offenders for Participation in Therapeutic ProgramsEvidenceEx SS Guard Convicted for Complicity Auschwitz MurdersExamination of Trial JurorsExchange of labor for confinementExecutionExecution of death penalty: Method; time and placeExecution of warrant and service of summonsExhibition and sale of obscene material to minorsExpert WitnessesExplains Exhibition of Obscene Material to minorsExplosives and other dangerous articlesExplosives crime during commission of felonyExplosives, Bomb ThreatsExpress and implied definedExtension of time of commitment; adjournmentExtortionExtortionExtortion and ThreatsExtortion by public officer or employeeExtortionate Credit Transactions
Failure to appear after admission to bail or release without bailFailure to Register as a Sex OffenderFalse BillingFalse impersonation of public officer, intrusion into and refusal to surrender public officeFalse ImprisonmentFalse PersonationFalse report by public officerFalse Reporting of a CrimeFalse representation by minor to obtain intoxicating liquorFalse statement to procure issuance of credit card or debit cardFalse written statements to obtain property or creditFalse, Deceptive, or Misleading AdvertisingFalsely auditing or paying claimFalsifying accountsFalsifying EvidenceFederal ChargesFederal Drug CrimesFelony ChargesFelony DUI ChargesFelony Possession of MarijuanaField Sobriety TestsFinding and return of presentment or indictment; effect of failure to indictFingerprinting of Persons Detained and Cited For Committing Suspected Acts of Domestic ViolenceFirearmsFirst DUIForcible entry and detainer.Foreign Corrupt Practices ActForeign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA)Foreign RelationsForfeitureForfeitureForfeiture and Restoration of CreditsForfeiture as part of plea agreementForfeiture of personal property and conveyances used in commission of crimeForfeiture Of Property Relating To Technological CrimesForfeituresForgeryForgery and Uttering forged instrumentsForgery by creation, alteration or deletion of data, information, image, program in computerForgery of conveyances, negotiable instruments, stock certificatesForgery, counterfeiting and issuance of check or draft with intent to defraudForm and AmendmentForm of summonsForm of Warrant; Fixing and Endorsement of Amount of BailFormation of Grand JuryFormsFraudFraud and False PersonationFraud and False StatementsFraud on creditors by removal or sale of propertyFraudulent appropriation of propertyFraudulent conveyancesFraudulent issue of stockFraudulently presenting claim to public officerFraudulently selling real estate twiceFree ConsultationFugitives from JusticeFugitives from justice; duty of GovernorFurnishing libelous information- Penalty
Identification of FundsIdentity TheftIdentity theft program card: Application; issuanceIllegal ImmigrationImmunity from civil or criminal liability; presumption that report was made in good faithImpact of a Parole Violation, Including ForfeitureImpact of Repeat ConvictionsImpersonation of officerImpersonation of Officer or Employee of UtilityImplied Consent LawImportation, Manufacture, Distribution and Storage of Explosive MaterialsImproper ExhibitionImproper use of insigniaIndecent or obscene exposure; penaltyIndiansIndicted, indictment, informed against, and information definedIndictmentIndictment and InformationInducing lawsuitInfluencing public officerInformationInjunctions for False or Misleading AdvertisingInjuring or tampering with vehicle; penalties.Inquiry to Determine Probable CauseInsanity or PregnancyIntent to defraudIntent- How manifestedIntentional transmission of Human Immunodeficiency VirusInterception and disclosure of wire and radio communications or private conversations Interception Of Wire Or Oral CommunicationsInterfering with public officerInternet Crimes against ChildrenInterstate Compact for Adult Offender SupervisionInterstate Compact for Jurisdiction on the Colorado RiverInterstate Corrections CompactInterstate Fresh Pursuit Uniform ActIntimidating public officer,public employeeIntrastate Fresh Pursuit Uniform ActInvestigating the Financial Status of a PrisonerInvestigation By Division Of Parole And ProbationInvestigation of Alleged Sexual OffenseInvestigation of pregnancy: Procedure; hearingInvestigation of Suspected Criminal Activity - Detention and Identification of SuspectsInvestment and Securities FraudInvoluntary manslaughter definedInvoluntary Servitude CrimesIs Prostitution Legal in Las Vegas?Issuance of check or draft without sufficient money or credit- Penalties.Issuance of Documents of Title for Goods Not ReceivedIssuance of duplicate or additional negotiable document of titleIssuance of Subpoenas by Grand JuryIssuance of warrant or summonsIssuance of Warrant Upon Complaint or Citation
Mail FraudMail Fraud and Other Fraud OffensesMaking threats or conveying false information concerning acts of terrorismMalice and maliciously definedMalicious destruction of legal and other noticesMalicious MischiefMalicious prosecutionMalicious Search Warrant CrimesManagement Of PrisonersMandatory Conditions of Parole for a Prisoner Convicted of a Sexual OffenseMandatory release of certain prisonersManslaughterManslaughter definedMarijuana ChargesMassacre at Virginia Tech: The VictimsMatters into which grand jury shall and may inquireMatthew SibertMayhemMedia CoverageMedicaid FraudMedical MarijuanaMilitary and NavyMinimum punishment for gross misdemeanor committed on property of school, at activity sponsored by school or on school busMinor loitering in place where alcoholic beverages sold.Misappropriation and falsification of accounts by public officerMisappropriation by treasurerMiscellaneous Crimes Concerning Public HealthMiscellaneous CrimesMiscellaneous crimes concerning public health miscellaneousMiscellaneous crimes concerning public safetyMiscellaneous Criminal Offenses Codified under Nevada LawMiscellaneous ProvisionsMiscellaneous ProvisionsMiscellaneous ProvisionsMiscellaneous ProvisionsMisconduct in signing, filing or altering petition; penaltiesMisconduct of defendant; sanctionsMisconduct of Public OfficerMonetary Instruments Derived from Unlawful ActivityMoney LaunderingMoney LaunderingMortgage FraudMortgage lending fraud; penalties; civil actionMotion for return of seized property and suppression of evidenceMotion to SuppressMotor VehicleMurder and Attempted MurderMurderdefinedMutilation of genitalia of female child- Penalties; definitions.
Objections to AdmissibilityObscene, indecent or immoral shows, acts or performances; penaltyObscene, threatening or annoying telephone callsObscenityObscenityObstructing public officerObstruction of Criminal InvestigationObstruction of JusticeObtaining and using personal identifying information of another person to harmObtaining Child Care with the Intent to DefraudObtaining money, property, rent or labor by false pretensesObtaining or negotiating document of title for goods with intent to defraudObtaining or possessing of credit card without consent of cardholderOffender DefinedOffenders’ Store FundOffense involving stolen vehicle- Definition; penalty; restitutionOffense of resisting public officerOffenses Committed Partly in One County and Partly in AnotherOffenses in public conveyancesOffenses Relating to Prisons and PrisonersOffering false evidenceOffering reward for appointmentOfficer and Public Officer DefinedOpen and Gross LewdnessOpen or gross lewdness; penaltyOppression under color of officeOrder of discharge when clemency granted.Order of Discharge When Clemency is GrantedOrder of TrialOrdering defendant charged with felony into custody unless increased bail is given.OregonOther Federal CrimesOther OffensesOther Unauthorized or Prohibited Conduct by or The PrisonersOut of State DUIOut of State Tourist ArrestsOverview of How a Local Facility for Detention is Established in NevadaOverview of the Laws Related to Nevada County JailsOverview of the Penalties Associated with the Unlawful Interference or Denial of Access To or Use of ComputersOwner of animal that kills human being guilty of manslaughter under certain circumstances penalty
PanderingPandering and sex trafficking- Definitions; penalties; exceptionPandering, Prostitution and Disorderly HousesPardons and Paroles in NevadaPardons, Remissions of Fines and Commutations of PunishmentsPardons, Restoration of Civil Rights, and Specific LimitationsParole and Probation Officer DefinedParole and Probation Officers in NevadaParole with a Tier 3 Prisoner Convicted of a Sexual OffensePartial Birth AbortionParticipation in correctional programParties to CrimesPassports and VisasPaternity FraudPayment of bona fide debt by deputy or attachePeepingPeepingPenaltiesPenalties Associated with Concealing an Escaped PrisonerPenalties Associated with Not Closing GatesPenalties Associated with the Crime of CoercionPenalties for Prisoners Who Attempt to EscapePenalties with Furnishing a Weapon to State PrisonerPenalty for aiding or abettingPenalty for misdemeanor by corporations when not fixed by statutePenalty for public offense proportionate to value of property affected or loss resulting from offensePenalty for taking property from person of another under circumstances not amounting to robberyPenalty for theft of money or property of value of $250 or more from vending machinesPenalty for theft of scrap metal or utility propertyPenalty Hearing for First Degree MurderPeonage, Slavery, and Trafficking PersonsPerformance of health care or surgical procedure without a licensePerjuryPerjury and Subornation of PerjuryPersonating anotherPersons liable to punishment for crimePetit LarcenyPetit larceny; penaltyPetition for Post-conviction ReliefPetition for removal of guardian of older person.Pick-PocketingPiracy and PrivateeringPlacing of lethal bait on public domainPlea bargain: Inspection by Jury; Instruction of Jury; Cross-Examination of DefendantPlea bargaining: General requirements; prohibited agreements.Pleadings and MotionsPleadings and Motions Before Trial- Defenses and ObjectionsPleasPolicies and Protocols Related to Electronic SupervisionPool Party Nightclub ArrestsPornography involving minorsPossessing or receiving forged instruments or billsPossession by a FelonPossession of a Controlled SubstancePossession of component of explosive or incendiary device with intent to manufacture explosivePossession of dangerous weapon on property or in vehicle of schoolPossession of Drug ParaphernaliaPossession of explosive or incendiary device in public or private areasPossession of firearm when under influence of alcohol, controlled substancePossession of Marijuana with Intent to SellPossession with Intent to DistributePossession, manufacture or disposition of short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun- PenaltyPost Conviction ReliefPostal ServicePostponement: When and how ordered; court may require depositions of and undertakingsPowers and Duties of Grand JuryPre-File Investigation, Pre Arrest ChargesPre-Sentence investigation and report: Contents of report.Preliminary examination: Waiver; time for conducting; postponement; introduction of evidence and cross-examination of witnesses by defendantPreliminary ProvisionsPreparation, transfer or use of false identificationPreparing or Selling Academic WritingsPresidential and Presidential Staff AssassinationPresumption Of Innocence: Acquittal In Case Of Reasonable DoubtPresumption of innocence: Conviction of lowest degree of offensePreventing or dissuading victim, person acting on behalf of victimPrevention of Public OffensesPrison definedPrison EscapePrison-Made GoodsPrisoner Transportation in NevadaPrivacy PolicyPrivate Facilities and InstitutionProbation and Suspension of SentenceProbation ViolationProcedureProcedure for Appointment of Attorney for Indigent DefendantProcedure in Criminal CasesProcedure in Justice CourtsProcedure when arrest for capital offenseProcedure When Jury Unable To Reach Unanimous VerdictProcedures Followed When a Death Sentence is Commuted in NevadaProceeding to CommitmentProceedings after arrestProceedings After Commitment and Before IndictmentProceedings Before MagistrateProceedings when conviction carries death penaltyProcess of HIV Testing of OffendersProduction of Prisoner as WitnessProfessions And OccupationsProgram of Intensive Supervision as a Condition of ParoleProgram Of Probation Secured By Surety BondProgram of regimental disciplinePrograms for RestitutionProhibited Acts and PenaltiesProhibition on Furnishing Portable Telecommunications Device to a Nevada PrisonerProhibition On Release And Use Of Certain Personal Information From State Motor Vehicle RecordsPromotion of sexual performance using minorsProperty subject to seizure and forfeiture; exceptionsProtection of Prisoners in NevadaProtection Of Trade SecretsProtection Of Unborn ChildrenProtections of PrisonersProtective OrderProtective OrdersProvider of Internet service required to keep certain information concerning subscribers confidentialProvisions Enacted Before Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act - Smoking LawProvisions inapplicable to recording of certain telephone calls by public utilityPublic LandsPublic Nuisance lawPublic Nuisance law on unequal damagePublic Officers And EmployeesPublishing advertisement containing prohibited AdsPunishment for attempt crimesPunishment for contemptPunishment for conviction of gross misdemeanorsPunishment for conviction of misdemeanorPunishment for involuntary manslaughter sentencing and chargingPunishment for voluntary manslaughter sentencing and chargingPurchase, consumption or possession of alcohol by minor
Racketeer Influenced And Corrupt OrganizationsRacketeeringRacketeering LawsRacketeering RICORailroad Carriers And Mass Transportation Systems On LandRamifications for Violating Parole in NevadaReasonable cause to believeReckless riding of horse on public street or highwayRecord of RegistrationRecord SealingRecordingsRecords and ReportsRecords of Criminal History and Information Relating to Public SafetyReentry court definedReentry into the Nevada Community for Released IndividualsReentry Programs in NevadaReferral of Offenders to Re-entry CourtRefusal of TestRegistrationRegistration after conviction for sexual offensesRegistration of Convicted PersonsRegistration of Sex OffenderReimbursement From PrisonersReimbursement From PrisonersRelease DefinedRelease for work or educationRelease of a Sex OffenderRelease of PrisonersRelease of Prisoners on ParoleRelief from Prejudicial JoinderRemoval of Action Before TrialRemoving or Selling CollateralReporting crimes against childrenReporting Testimony of WitnessesRequirements and ProcedureRescue a prisonerResidential centers supervision probationersResidential confinement after violationResidential Confinement DefinedResidential Confinement LawsResidential confinement of alleged violator of paroleResidential Confinement of OffendersResistance by party about to be injuredRestitutionRestitution as a Condition of ParoleReturn of VerdictRewardsRICORight of person arrested to make telephone callRight Of State To Trial Within 60 Days After Arraignment; ExceptionsRights of accused person; application for writ of habeas corpusRights of defendant before preliminary examinationRiotsRobberyRobbery And BurglaryRobbery crimesRout and riot crimes
SabotageSale of alcoholic beverage containing more than 80 percent of alcohol by volumeSale of firearms to minorsSale of identifying card or documentSale or furnishing of alcohol to minorSanity investigation: Filing of petition; stay of executionSealing of Records After DischargeSealing of records of criminal proceedingsSealing Records of Criminal ProceedingsSeamen And StowawaysSearch to ascertain presence of dangerous weapon; seizure of weapon or evidenceSearches And SeizuresSecond DUISecrecy of proceedings of grand jurySeizure and forfeiture of explosivesSeizure of property: Requirement of processSelection and Referral of Criminal Offenders for Enrollment in a Work Release ProgramSelling drugs to produce miscarriageSelling human organ for transplantationSending obscene or threatening lettersSex crime with a dead bodySex CrimesSex Offender And Crimes Against Children RegistrySex offenders convicted of a crime against a childSex TraffickingSex WorkersSexual AbuseSexual AssaultSexual assaultSexual assault crimesSexual assault of spouse by spouseSexual conduct between certain employees of college or university and studentSexual conduct between certain school employees/teacher with pupil at schoolSexual conduct definedSexual conduct with studentsSexual Exploitation And Other Abuse Of ChildrenSexual offense: Notice of Conviction to Central RepositoryShippingShopliftingSimple Possession of MarijuanaSitemapSmoking tobaccoSolicitation and ProstitutionSolicitation crimesSpousal AbuseStalking crimesState Board of Parole CommissionersState Board of Parole CommissionersState DNA Database DefinedState Public DefenderStatewide Registry DefinedStatute of Limitations for Sexual AssaultStatutory Sexual SeductionStatutory sexual seductionStay Of Execution Following Denial Of AppealStay of Execution Upon Sentence Of DeathStolen PropertyStored Wire And Electronic Communications And Transactional Records AccessSubpoenaSubpoenaSubstance Abuse ProgramsSubstitution of childSummary of How Someone is Discharged from ParoleSummonsSurety Bond DefinedSurplusageSuspensions of Execution of Death PenaltySwindling by false representations