DUI sententcing in Las VegasAccording to court records, the on-duty officers were patrolling their area on November 30th when they heard reports of a motorist who had fallen asleep at the wheel.

The duo went to check on the driver and were pulled over on the northbound Interstate 15 near D Street when the 46-year-old driver came traveling past them.

Unfortunately, Williams was intoxicated and misjudged the distance between his vehicle and the officers. He struck Sgt. Michael Abbate and trooper Alberto Felix. Both officers were fatally wounded in the incident.

During the trial, Williams expressed his sincerest remorse and the regret. He pleaded guilty to two counts of DUI resulting in death in April. He also made repeated statements about the “ignorant decision” he made and regret he feels for getting behind the wheel.

Despite Williams’ apparent remorse, his sentencing hearing didn’t go in his favor. Yu Meng, a deputy district attorney, represented the state in this case, and he presented an extremely heart-wrenching case that painted Williams in the poorest light possible. For one, Meng strongly reinforced the many ways DUIs can be prevented, repeatedly pointing out how Williams could’ve called someone to pick him up, used a ride-share app, or called a Taxi.

Williams had little choice but to acknowledge this truth and state that he willingly chose to get behind the wheel despite his option not to do so. Meng then went on to present impactful victim statements that truly showed how the officer’s families will be impacted by their loss. Family members in grief told the court that Williams should get the maximum sentence and be made to be an example for those who choose to drive drunk.

Meng seems to have done a great job representing the state, leaving Williams to face the maximum possible sentence.

Don’t Let Your Feelings Dictate Your Legal Options

Were you recently accused of DUI causing bodily harm to someone else? Are you feeling guilty and remorseful about what happened? It’s completely natural to feel ashamed and want to see justice served after you cause an accident, but it’s also important for you to not let your feelings dictate your legal options.

It’s always best to discuss your legal situation with an attorney who will advocate for your best interests despite what happened.

Even if you did commit the crime and want to express sincere remorse, you’re still entitled to legal representation that can help you secure the best possible legal outcome. You still deserve the opportunity to have a fair legal trial and have your interests considered. The interests of the victims and the victim’s loved ones are important, but true justice also considers the rights and interests of the accused.

Contact our team here at LV Criminal Defense now to start strategizing on your best possible defense argument.