Former-President Barack Obama signed off on an executive order banning sex discrimination in public schools. The EO gave students the freedom to choose the bathroom which matched their gender identity.

In February 2017, the current administration reversed that order. Sean Spicer, who was Trump’s Press Secretary, said, “The president has made it clear he is a firm believer in states rights,”  totally clueless about what would come later.

Nevada’s governor Brian Sandoval signed, in 2011, AB 211 which prohibited discrimination. Thanks to that law, all public schools are required to adhere to AB 211 despite what Washington dictates.

“We’re ahead of the curve, and we have further protections now in the current legislation which will provide more protections for transgender persons,” said Gina Session, Director of the Department of Civil Rights Compliance. “It is a vulnerable population, and we will make sure they are safe.”

Name and Gender Change

Name Change

To get a lawful name change in the state, an applicant must submit documents to the court and make sure notices are published in a newspaper once a week for three weeks. The applicant may also seek to have the petition and process sealed for their safety.

Driver’s License

To update the name and gender on a state-issued identification card, the applicant must file a name change at the Social Security Administration up-front. Once that is completed, the applicant needs to give DMV a court order certifying the name change along with a form signed by a physician which verifies the person’s gender identity. You can also do this through our law firm.

Top Rated Criminal Lawyer

Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


Birth Certificate

Nevada’s Vital Records agency will issue a new birth certificate with corrected gender upon receipt of two affidavits showing the person’s gender. A duplicate of the primary birth certificate and all applicable fees should be submitted as well to:

Nevada Office of Vital Records

4150 Technology Way, Suite 104

Carson City, Nevada 89706

What state laws prohibit discrimination against transfers persons.

California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and the District of Columbia all have such laws. Their safeguards vary. For instance, Nevada’s law forbids discriminatory practices in employment, housing, and public accommodations like restaurants, hospitals, and retail stores; Maine’s law includes those divisions plus accessibility to credit and education.
Does Nevada’s existing laws banning discrimination based on sexual orientation protect transgender persons?
Yes. The Nevada law banning discrimination orientation defines sexual orientation’ to include gender identity. The legislation also proscribes discrimination, not only based on actual sexual alignment, but the basis of how people perceived them.

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Does Nevada’s law specifically protect transgender students?

Yes. The Nevada laws specifically protect transgender students in public and non-religious private schools.

Does gender transition affect the validity of a couple’s marriage?

Usually, no. A marriage is valid until and unless one partner seeks, and is grated, divorce or annulment.

Are there laws prohibiting hate crimes against the transgendered?

Yes. The federal hate crime law has covered gender identity since 2009.

Are prison authorities required to place a transgender person in a facility matching the inmate’s gender identity?

So far, most courts have left that decision up to prison officials. A growing quantity of prisons are developing respectful housing policies party since they fear being held accountable if they fail to protect an prisoner from rape.