Outdoor Adventures in Las Vegas

Las Vegas has great climbing destinations and trails for mountain biking, cycling, running, and hiking, some of the best in the country, in fact.

Jack Creek Campground happens to be a relatively undeveloped, small, and free camping ground on Jack Creek’s banks. It is situated on a lovely drainage under Jack’s Peak, just north from Independence Mountains. You can partake in just about every type of sport up here.

The East Humboldt and Ruby Mountains have a number of picnic areas and campgrounds maintained by Scenic Canyons, the concessionaire. The company’s employees run the campgrounds, water systems, free-use spaces, and every other operation involved with the sites and facilities. Proceeds earned from fees finance the labor, maintenance, and cleaning of the campground.

Sometimes referred to as “the other Yosemite,” Lamoille Canyon is a real gem. Found in the Ruby Mountains, this place houses the Thomas Canyon Campground, right at the front of an amazingly steep and rocky canyon. Its hiking trail can be explored by those with strong lungs and legs. Adventurers will have high alpine access to the country. Hikers will see Himalayan snowcocks and mountain goats based on where they go – especially ear sharp bridges and cliffs.

Over the years, every location has seen its fair share of crime. Usually cruel and always gruesome, crimes committed in vacation spots like these have been minimized through enhanced design via the assistance of CPTED.

A criminal perspective came from theories suggested by C. Ray Jeffrey, a criminologist. Jeffrey released a book in 1971 entitled “Crime Prevention through Environmental Design,” though his work was just about dismissed for most of the 70s. In time, his principles became adopted. Eventually, Jeffrey was recognized as the inventor of CPTED.

Jeffrey kept expanding his multisport approach all the way to the 90s. His work was expanded on and republished almost 20 years later by Ayse Belkis Kubdlay.


Crime Prevention through Environmental Design strategies are often used by security consultants, landscape architects, city planners, police departments, and others who design recreation areas outdoors. The concept involves creating effective and innovative ways to fight crime.

CPTED’s efficiency has been proven in urban and rural areas. Cities and countries everywhere have adopted CPTED ordinances while being mindful of crime prevention.CPTED standards and ordinances are considered when outdoor sporting settings, revitalization efforts, school areas, and neighborhoods are in their planning stages.

Broken Windows

A crime control theory called “broken windows” explores the behavioral effect noticeable neglect has on outdoor sports settings. This theory was initially concocted by George L. Kelling and Q. Wilson in 1982.The CPTED strategy – in conjunction with access regulation – became implemented shortly thereafter.

Crime tends to thrive in settings that are unmaintained or neglected, and as such,CPTED gives certain settings some necessary restructuring. Without “broken windows,” there is a decline in crime before it eventually goes away completely.

Patricia Mayhew and Ronald Clark are two British criminologists that improved an approach known as “situational crime prevention.” They did so by directly incorporating CPTED into environmental development and management.

Main Takeaway

Environments don’t influence behavior directly. Rather, the brain is the one that is influenced by the environment. Any crime prevention model must take physical environments and the way the brain works into consideration.

External environments, such as outdoor sports venues, internal environments, and an individual’s psyche, must be in sync for optimal benefit.