Couple sentenced for a murder in Las VegasOn August 22nd, 30-year-old Miles Stano Jr. was sentenced to serve out at least 10 years behind bars in prison after he pleaded guilty to killing his own 3-month-old baby. The baby’s mother, 24-year-old Lindsey Bello, was separately sentenced to serve out a minimum of 10 years behind bars for her role in the Las Vegas murder.

Court records show that the victim, Miles Stano III, was born in December of 2021. The newborn, unfortunately, was born with apnea and heart issues, requiring the use of a feeding tube. The infant required intensive care and stayed at the University Medical Center until March of 2022.

Within only one month of being welcomed home, baby Stano was discovered deceased by the Metropolitan Police Department. The baby reportedly had serious bruising on his head and suffered from a fractured skull. When police interrogated the parents, Lindsey Bello told the officers that she had put her baby to sleep. Three hours later, when she went to check on him, she found him unresponsive.

Further investigation conducted by the Clark County coroner’s office revealed that the baby’s cause of death was blunt force trauma. The force had directly caused cuts, bruising, and skull fractures. Both parents claimed that they did not know what happened to their infant, but the two adults were the only people caring for the infant at the time of the accident.

Both parents were arrested and charged with second-degree murder, child abuse, neglect, and child endangerment.

Child Abuse, Violence, and Murder

Murder is the most serious crime you can be charged with in Las Vegas. Second-degree murder is a class A felony charge. The penalty for this type of crime is a minimum of 10 years in prison with a maximum of life in prison in Nevada.

Clearly, in the case above both parents secured a favorable deal despite the fact that they will both need to serve out a minimum of 10 years in prison. With a different legal strategy, the parents could’ve (and likely would’ve) faced much more substantial sentences. This is especially true considering the extreme vulnerability of the victim and the severity of the victim’s injuries. If the parents hired a lawyer who instead chose to plead not guilty and go to trial, it’s likely that the jury would’ve considered the circumstances extreme and levied an even harsher sentence.

As you can see, sometimes using a plea deal is a good legal strategy when it can secure a better legal outcome for you.

Here at LV Criminal Defense, our team of skilled criminal defense attorneys can help you completely go over the circumstances of your charges, what happened during your arrest, and the facts surrounding what evidence the other party has against you. Based on this information, we’ll help you determine a solid defense strategy that’s likely to produce the best possible outcome.

Use our online contact form to schedule a free case review with our criminal defense attorneys now.