Assistance to Victims of Domestic Violence

Every and every year, millions of men and women are subjected to various forms of domestic violence. In fact, more than 1 in 3 women and more than 1 in 4 men in the U.S. report being raped, suffering from physical violence, and/or being stalked by an intimate partner in their lifetime, according to Social Solutions. Here are some other shocking statistics related to domestic violence in Nevada and across the country:

  • Nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this adds up to more than 10 million women and men.
  • Nearly 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner during their lifetime.
  • 85% of domestic violence victims are female, and 15% are male.
  • Nearly half of all women and men in the US will experience psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
  • Approximately 5 million children are exposed to domestic violence every year. Children exposed are more likely to attempt suicide, abuse drugs and alcohol, run away from home, engage in teenage prostitution, and commit sexual assault crimes.
  • 40% of The Center for Violence-Free Relationships’ domestic violence cases have children under 18 in the home.
  • Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.
  • In 15 states, more than 40% of all homicides of women in each state involved intimate partner violence.
  • Women with disabilities have a 40% greater risk of intimate partner violence, especially severe violence, than women without disabilities.
  • 2 in 5 gay or bisexual men will experience intimate partner violence in their lifetimes. (source)
  • Approximately 63% of homeless women have experienced domestic violence in their adult lives.
  • 28% of families were homeless because of domestic violence.

Available Assistance for Victims of Domestic Violence

Given the shocking prevalence of domestic violence in Nevada and across the country, the state legislature allocated funds for public programs aimed to assist domestic violence victims. According to NRS 217.410, the Administrator of a Division in a country with a population in excess of 700,000 shall allocate 15 percent of all money granted to organizations in the county from the Account for Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence to an organization in the county which has been specifically created to assist victims of sexual assault. The Administrator of the Division has the final authority in determining whether an organization may receive money pursuant to this section.

Any organization which receives money pursuant to this section is obligated to provide reports to the Administrator of the Division, pursuant to NRS 217.460.

To be eligible for this financial support, the organization must receive at least 15 percent of its money from sources other than the Federal Government, the State, any local government or other public body or their instrumentalities. Any goods or services which are contributed to the organization may be assigned their reasonable monetary value for the purpose of complying with this requirement.

What Exactly is “Domestic Violence” Under Nevada Law?

According to NRS 217.400, domestic violence is defined as:

(a) The attempt to cause or the causing of bodily injury to a family or household member or the placing of the member in fear of imminent physical harm by threat of force.

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Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


(b) Any of the following acts committed by a person against a family or household member, a person with whom he or she had or is having a dating relationship or with whom he or she has a child in common, or upon his or her minor child or a minor child of that person:

(1) A battery.
(2) An assault.
(3) Compelling the other by force or threat of force to perform an act from which he or she has the right to refrain or to refrain from an act which he or she has the right to perform.
(4) A sexual assault.
(5) A knowing, purposeful or reckless course of conduct intended to harass the other. Such conduct may include, without limitation:

  • (I) Stalking.
  • (II) Arson.
  • (III) Trespassing.
  • (IV) Larceny.
  • (V) Destruction of private property.
  • (VI) Carrying a concealed weapon without a permit.

(6) False imprisonment.
(7) Unlawful entry of the others residence, or forcible entry against the others will if there is a reasonably foreseeable risk of harm to the other from the entry.

No Time to Delay – Contact a Skilled and Respected Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney

If you are a family member has been charged with allegedly engaging in domestic violence, now is the time to retain the services of a skilled and respected Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer who is familiar with this area of law. Your life and liberty are on the line, which is why you owe it to yourself to have the best legal defense possible. Contact our office today to schedule a free, confidential consultation. Our legal team will do everything possible to try to get the sexual abuse or sexual assault charges dismissed or reduced without having to go to trial. Nevertheless, if the situation calls for a trial, our team of seasoned and skilled trial attorneys are prepared to advocate on your behalf in court.

What Our Clients Are Saying

When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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