Nevada Defense Attorneys Explain the Crime of Using False Permits

In the state of Nevada, permits and licenses are obtained to show authority to lawfully take certain actions or engage in certain activities. To protect the integrity of the permitting and licensing system, there are strict rules in place that impose harsh penalties upon those who engage in unlawful behavior in connection with permits and licenses.

One such unlawful act involves using a false permit, false license, or other false writing. If you are charged with this crime, you could be convicted of a gross misdemeanor offense, which is a crime for which you could serve jail time. Your business and professional reputation could also be damaged by the accusations against you and by a permanent conviction on your record.

You need to take the charges against you seriously and make smart, informed choices about how to best respond to accusations against you. LV Criminal Defense can help. Our compassionate and knowledgeable legal team can work closely with you to determine if you should try to plead guilty in exchange for a lesser charge or reduced sentence, if there’s a way to get the charges dropped, or if you could successfully fight for an acquittal.

Whatever approach is right for your case, our Vegas defense lawyers will be there by your side advocating for you and fighting to help you secure the best possible outcome possible to your involvement with the Nevada criminal justice system. You should give us a call today to discover more about the personalized help we can provide in responding to charges.

Nevada Criminal Laws on the Use of a False Permit or Writing

Nevada law considers the use of a false permit, license, or writing to be a crime against property. The offense is criminalized in Chapter 205, which is the part of Nevada’s penal code that defines and punishes crimes against property. Each of the crimes against property is categorized into different subsections, including a subsection for fraud offenses. Using a false permit, license, or writing is a fraud offense, so it is within this subsection.

Nevada Revised statute Section 205.420 is the statute within Chapter 205 that provides a detailed definition of the offense of using a false permit, license or writing. The statute also specifies how the crime is classified, which is the determining factor regarding the types of penalties that could be imposed when a defendant has been convicted.

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Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


According to N.R.S. 205.420, a defendant can be charged with the offense of using a false permit, license, or writing if the defendant conducts any business under a false or fraudulent permit, license, or writing or under a permit, license, or writing that does not lawfully belong to the person.

A defendant can also be charged for performing any act under the color of a false permit, license, or writing or a permit, license, or writing that does not belong to him. And, a defendant can be charged for filing or recording a false permit, license or writing.

Finally, a defendant could be convicted under N.R.S. 205.420 for obtaining a permit, license, or writing under false pretenses, while impersonating another, or while making false representations or writings.

If a defendant is charged under N.R.S. 205.420, the defendant could be convicted of a gross misdemeanor offense. Gross misdemeanors can result in fines and jail time, along with a criminal record.

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Getting Help From Vegas Defense Attorneys

A Vegas defense attorney at LV Criminal Defense can provide the representation and advocacy you need as you respond to accusations that you violated Nevada Revised Statute section 205.420. To find out more about how our firm can help you to fight the charges against you, give us a call today.

What Our Clients Are Saying

When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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