Las Vegas Defense Attorneys Explain Larceny Offenses

In the state of Nevada, many different rules have been put in place in order to ensure that the owners of property can be secure in their property rights. Among the laws put in place are a series of statutes that prohibit various property crimes and impose penalties for committing property offenses.

Nevada laws imposing penalties for property offenses are found in Chapter 205 of Title 15 and there are different subcategories of property crimes within this chapter. One example of a subcategory of property crime is larceny.

Larceny offenses can result in harsh penalties, especially if you are accused of grand larceny or larceny in connection with certain types of property such as vehicles or firearms. If you have been accused of any type of larceny crime, you need to determine what your best course of action is for responding to charges. To make this decision, you should get legal advice from an experienced Las Vegas, NV defense lawyer.

LV Criminal Defense can help. Our attorneys have represented defendants accused of all different kinds of property crimes and we can provide the personalized help you need to make smart choices in connection with responding to charges. To find out more about how our firm provides you with assistance in responding strategically to accusations that you committed a larceny crime, give us a call today.

Nevada Laws on Larceny

The subsection on larceny that is found in Chapter 205 includes Nevada Revised Statute section 205.2175 through Nevada Revised Statute section 205.2707. Collectively, these statutes establish many rules and regulations associated with determining exactly what prosecutors must prove in order for a defendant to be convicted of larceny. The statutes also establish the consequences that defendants could face as a result of conviction for various larceny offenses.

For example, here are some of the specific statutes, rules and regulations found within the larceny subsection of Chapter 205:

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Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


• A statute providing general definitions of words used within the larceny subsection. The definitions found within N.R.S. 205.2175 will apply throughout all of the state’s statutes dealing with larceny offenses.
• Statutes defining specific words that can impact the type of larceny crimes a defendant is charged with. For example, N.R.S. 205.218 defines domestic animals; N.R.S. 205.2185 defines domestic birds; N.R.S. 205.219 defines livestock; and N.R.S. 205.2195 defines property.
• A statute defining the offense of grand larceny, and another setting forth penalties for grand larceny.
• Statutes addressing specific types of grand larceny, including grand larceny with a firearm and grand larceny of a motor vehicle.
• Statutes that explain the duty of peace officers in situations where the grand larceny of an animal has taken place.
• A statute defining the offense of petit larceny and setting forth the penalty for this offense.
• A statute that explains how the value of property involved in a larceny crime should be determined. This is important because the value of property can determine if the offense a defendant is charged with is petit larceny or is grand larceny, which carries much more serious penalties.
• A statute that explains what happens if negotiable instruments or other instruments were taken in a larceny offense.
• A statute explaining that part ownership is not a defense to larceny.
• Statutes setting forth penalties for the theft of scrap metal.
• A statute establishing the penalties that will be imposed if property is taken from another person under circumstances that are not considered to be a robbery.
• A statute limiting the situations in which probation can be granted when someone has taken property from a victim in circumstances that do not constitute robbery.
• Statutes prohibiting the unlawful use of a cheating device in a vending machine, telephone, or other coin-operated device.
• A statute setting forth the penalties that could be imposed if a defendant takes property of value from a vending machine when the property is valued at $250 or more. This statute also imposes penalties upon a defendant when costs of repairing damage to the vending machine total $250 or more, or when combined costs of repairs and stolen property total this amount.

A defendant who has been accused of larceny will need to understand the specific definitions applicable for the offense he has been accused of committing and will need to determine exactly what a prosecutor has to prove so the defendant can be convicted of the particular crime.

For example, a defendant will generally be charged with petit larceny for intentionally stealing, taking, carrying away, leading away, or driving away any personal goods or property valued at less than $250 that is owned by another person.

This can include any type of property, including personal goods, bedding and furniture, real property converted into personal property, and other related items. Because the statute makes clear that this is an intent offense, a prosecutor who is seeking a conviction against a defendant for petit larceny will need to prove the defendant’s motivations beyond a reasonable doubt in order to secure a conviction for the defendant.

Getting Help From Defense Lawyers in Vegas

If you have been accused of any larceny offense, you need to take the charges seriously. LV Criminal Defense can provide personalized help with responding to accusations of larceny so you should give us a call as soon as you have been accused of wrongdoing.

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When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

Contact Now

We can advise you during an investigation into your conduct, help you to evaluate the evidence the prosecutor has, and work with you to determine if you should plead guilty to negotiate reduced penalties or if you should fight the accusations against you. Whatever course of action you chose for responding to charges, we can provide the help and support you need to maximize your chances of the most favorable outcome. To find out more, give us a call today.