Vegas Lawyer Explains Crime of Sex With Pupils

Sex With PupilsNevada has defined certain types of behaviors as unlawful because those behaviors go against public decency and good morals. All of the crimes that fall into this category are found in Chapter 201 of Title 15. Within Chapter 201, there are different subcategories of offenses, including a subcategory defining crimes where teachers or school employees have sex with pupils.

The law prohibits certain types of sexual conduct between teachers or school employees and pupils in order to protect students from a situation where a person in authority might potentially abuse his or her power. There are strict penalties imposed upon teachers and school employees who violate the rules and who engage in unlawful sexual conduct.

If you have been accused of unlawful sexual conduct with students, you need to reach out to a Vegas defense attorney so you can get help resolving the charges in a way that protects your career and your future. Our compassionate and knowledgeable legal team can help you to fight the accusations and to do everything possible to reduce or avoid penalties so you can move on with your life. Give us a call today to find out more about how we can help you.

Nevada Revised Statute Section 201.550: Sexual Conduct between Students and Employees of a College Or University

Within the subsection of crimes in Chapter 201 that deals with sexual contact between pupils and students, there are two different statutes that define different criminal offenses. The first deals with teachers and volunteers at public and private schools. The second deals with teachers at colleges or universities.

The statute prohibiting sexual conduct between teachers and students at colleges and universities is found in the Nevada Revised Statute section 201.550. According to the relevant law, it is unlawful for a person who is 21 years of age or older who is employed in a position of authority at a college or university to engage in sexual conduct with a student who is either 16 years of age or 17 years of age and who is enrolled in the college or who is attending the college or university.

A person of authority for purposes of this statute includes a teacher, a professor, an instructor, an administrator, a head coach, or an assistant coach. However, the statute does not apply in circumstances where the person of authority is married to the student with whom the sexual conduct takes place.

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Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


Sexual conduct is broadly defined for purposes of the statute, with the applicable definition found in Nevada Revised Statute section 201.520. Prohibited sexual conduct includes ordinary and anal intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, any type of genital oral contact, any physical contact with the public area or unclothed genitals for purposes of arousal or sexual gratification, sadomasochistic abuse, lewdly exhibiting the genitals, and penetration of the body with any object, no matter how slight the penetration.

According to N.R.S.201.550, unlawful sexual conduct between college employees and students as defined by the statute is a Category C felony. This means you face incarceration and will be left with a felony criminal record if you are convicted of this offense.

Getting Help from a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Las Vegas

A criminal defense lawyer in Las Vegas can provide the help and support that you need to fight accusations that you engaged in unlawful sexual conduct with a student if you are an employee of a college or a university. Our firm has provided representation to many defendants accused of violating various provisions of Chapter 201 and we can put our legal experience to work to help you fight for your future. Just give us a call today to find out about the assistance that LV Criminal Defense can offer if you’ve been accused of wrongdoing.

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