Vegas Attorney Explains Crime of Sex with a Dead Body

Nevada Defense Attorney Explains Crimes by and Against the StateIn the state of Nevada, certain types of sexual conduct have been criminalized. Many of the laws prohibiting various types of sexual behavior are found in Chapter 201 of Nevada’s penal code in Title 15. Chapter 201 is the chapter of Title 15 that specifically prohibits behaviors that are considered to be a violation of public decency or good morals. There are different subcategories of offenses within Chapter 201 for different kinds of crimes, such as obscenity or lewdness or sexual conduct between teachers and students.

Within Chapter 201, there is also a subsection that addresses the act of having sex with a dead person. Nevada has made this illegal, and the subsection of Nevada’s laws found within Chapter 201 define the crime and establish the penalties that a defendant could face for engaging in sexual conduct with a dead human.

If you have been accused of a sexual offense related to a deceased person, or if you have been accused of any crime that the state of Nevada has made unlawful in Chapter 201 of Title 15, you have legal rights. An accusation or criminal charges do not always lead to a conviction, and you must be treated as innocent until proven guilty. You have the right to defend yourself against accusations and to try to introduce reasonable doubt about your guilt and Vegas criminal lawyers can help you with this process.

LV Criminal Defense has a long and successful track record of standing up for the rights of defendants and helping them to fight charges brought under the provisions of Chapter 201 of Title 15. We understand the ways in which prosecutors build cases against defendants for alleged crimes against public decency and we can help our clients to devise the right legal strategy in response to the prosecutor’s case.

In every situation where a defendant has been accused of wrongdoing, we work hard to help the defendant resolve the case as quickly as possible and with the minimum penalties possible. Ideally, this means acquittal or getting charges dropped, but it could also mean negotiating a favorable plea deal on a client’s behalf in circumstances where admitting guilt in exchange for reduced consequences is the best course of action. We can help you to determine what your best option is and can provide personalized advice on how you should best respond to accusations of wrongdoing, so give us a call today to find out how Nevada criminal lawyers can help you.

Nevada Laws Prohibiting Sexual Penetration of a Dead Human Body

The subsection of Chapter 201 that deals with the crime of sexual penetration of a dead human body contain one statute: Nevada Revised Statute section 201.450. This statute explains exactly what the unlawful act is that has been made illegal and also provides information on the penalties that you could face if you are convicted.

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Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


According to N.R.S. 201.450, it is unlawful to commit sexual penetration of a dead body of a human being. Sexual penetration is defined within the statute and the definition applies to determine if a defendant’s behavior constituted sexual penetration or not. According to the relevant law, sexual penetration includes any intrusion, no matter how slight, of a defendant’s body into the genital or anal openings of the body of another person. This can include cunnilingus, fellatio, or sexual intercourse in its ordinary meaning as it would be practiced upon the living.

A defendant can also be charged with the sexual penetration of a dead body if the defendant manipulates any object or inserts any object under his control into any part of the deceased person’s body. This means that even if a defendant does not personally penetrate the deceased person in a sexual manner, the defendant could still be found guilty of an offense under N.R.S. 201.450 if the defendant stuck an object of any type into the body of the deceased.

If a defendant is convicted of the offense of sexual penetration of a dead body under N.R.S. 401.450, the defendant will be found guilty of a Category A felony. The statute outlines the specific penalties that could be imposed upon the defendant after being convicted of the category A felony. According to the relevant law, a defendant who is convicted of sexually penetrating a dead body can be sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole as well as sentenced to pay a fine of up to $20,000. When a defendant is sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole under N.R.S. 201.450, the defendant will not be eligible for parole until a minimum of at least five years of imprisonment has been served.

This harsh sentence means that a defendant who is convicted of the sexual penetration of a dead human body will likely end up spending years in prison before getting a potential change to argue that he or she should be freed on parole. Fighting charges to avoid facing this prison sentence is vitally important.

Getting Help from Nevada Criminal Lawyers

LV Criminal Defense can provide invaluable assistance to defendants who have been accused of unlawfully sexually penetrating a dead human body, either with their own body or with an object that is under their control. We can help defendants to understand the prosecutor’s case against them and the likelihood of prevailing in court if the defendant decides to fight charges, and we can provide assistance with negotiating a plea with the prosecutor if you don’t want to take a chance on going to court, being found guilty and facing mandatory minimum sentences that lead to lengthy imprisonment.

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When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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If you are ready to get legal help from a compassionate and knowledgeable Nevada criminal lawyer who has the experience you need to help you make the strongest possible case to avoid conviction, give us a call today.