Vegas Defense Attorney Explains Short-Barreled Weapons Law

Judge Gavel With Justice  Lawyers Having Team Meeting At Law FirDespite the Second Amendment’s guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms, the state of Nevada has still imposed significant limitations on what you can do with weapons. If you violate the law and engage in unlawful behavior with a weapon, the consequences can be very serious.

Weapons offenses have their own category in Chapter 202, which is the chapter of Nevada’s penal code that defines different kinds of offenses against public health and safety. Within the weapons subcategory of Chapter 202, rules are set regarding who can buy weapons, as well as what types of weapons Nevadans are not allowed to have in their possession.

One of the statutes in Chapter 202 specifically prohibits the possession, manufacture, or disposition of short-barreled rifles or shotguns. If you have been accused of violating this offense or violating any other laws related to weapons, you should reach out to LV Criminal Defense for help as soon as possible.

Our Vegas defense attorneys can fight for you to avoid penalties or reduce the severity of potential penalties you could face if you are convicted of violating state laws on weapons possession. Give us a call today to find out more about the help that we can offer.

Nevada Revised Statute 202.275: Possession, Manufacture or Disposition of Short-Barreled Rifle or Short-Barreled Shotgun

The statute that prohibits the possession, manufacture, or disposition of a short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun is Nevada Revised Statute section 202.275. According to the relevant law, it is illegal to knowingly or willfully possess, manufacture, or dispose of any short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun. The offense is an intent offense, so a prosecutor has to prove that the defendant acted intentionally or knowingly.

N.R.S. 202.275 defines a short-barreled rifle to include any rifle that has at least one barrel that is less than 16 inches in length, or any weapon that is made from a rifle through alteration, modification, or any other method, that has an overall length of under 26 inches. The statute also defines a short-barreled shotgun to include a shotgun with at least one barrel that is less than 18 inches long or any weapon that has been made from a shotgun through alteration, modification, or any other means that has an overall length under 26 inches.

Top Rated Criminal Lawyer

Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


The statute makes clear that it does not prohibit the use of short-barreled rifles or shotguns by peace officers authorized to use these weapons while performing official duties; nor does it prohibit the possession of a short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotguns by a licensed firearm importer, manufacturer, collector, or dealer authorized by the U.S. Treasury.

A person who has registered the short-barreled shotgun or rifle with the U.S. Treasury also cannot be found guilty of an offense under N.R.S. 202.275, and an individual also cannot be found guilty if the short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun in his possession is classified as a collector’s item, curio, or relic.

If a defendant is convicted under N.R.S. 202.275 for unlawfully possessing, manufacturing, or disposing of a short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun, the offense is a Category D felony. Because it is a felony offense, a defendant not only faces prison time if convicted but could also be left with a permanent felony record that affects job opportunities and that affects the right to own weapons in the future.

Getting Help From Las Vegas Criminal Lawyers

Vegas criminal lawyers can provide representation to defendants accused of breaking the law in connection with the unlawful possession, manufacture or disposition of a short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun. We can also provide representation if you are accused of any other weapons offenses. To find out more about how our firm can help you, give us a call today.

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When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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