Vegas Defense Law Firm Explains Abuse & Neglect of Children

Vegas Defense Law Firm Explains AbuseIn the state of Nevada, there are many different laws that have been put in place to try to protect vulnerable members of the population, such as children and the elderly. A violation of the law could result in very serious consequences for a defendant convicted of causing damage to older or younger Nevadans.

Many of the laws related to the abuse of vulnerable members of the state population can be found in chapter 200 of Title 15. Chapter 200 is the chapter of Nevada law that sets forth the legal rules for crimes against the person. There are different categories of offenses in Chapter 200, including a category for homicide crimes, a category for assault and battery, and a category for crimes involving the criminal neglect of patients.

In addition, there is also a subcategory related to the abuse and neglect of children. This category includes statutes ranging from N.R.S. 200.508 through N.R.S. 200.5085. It is important to understand what the laws related to the abuse and neglect of children entail in the state of Nevada and to determine exactly what a prosecutor must prove to secure a conviction after an arrest.

If you are arrested or if you are still under investigation but fear for your future, your best course of action is to reach out for legal help as soon as possible so you can get a Las Vegas defense lawyer on your team to help you fight for your future. LV Criminal Defense will be your advocate as you navigate the criminal justice system so you can try to get the best outcome possible given the charges against you and the circumstances of your case.

Nevada Laws on Abuse and Neglect of Children

Laws prohibiting the abuse and neglect of children include N.R.S. 200.508, which defines abuse and endangerment of a child, as well as N.R.S. 300.5083, which prohibits the mutilation of the genitalia of female children.

N.R.S. 200.508 defines the abuse of a child to include willfully causing unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering caused by abuse and neglect to a child who is under the age of 18. The statute also makes it a crime to place the child in a situation, or allow the child to be placed in a situation, where the child suffers physical pain or mental suffering due to abuse or neglect.

Top Rated Criminal Lawyer

Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


The penalties vary depending upon the age of the child, the nature of the abuse, and whether the child sustained lasting physical harm or not. For example, if the child is under the age of 14 and the harm that befalls the child occurs as a result of sexual abuse or exploitation, the defendant could be convicted of a Category A felony offense. The penalty for a Category A felony offense could include life imprisonment with the possibility of parole after 15 years.

If substantial bodily harm results to the child but the abuse was not perpetrated for purposes of sexual abuse or exploitation, then the defendant who abused the child could be found guilty of a Category B felony and could be sentenced to imprisonment for a minimum of two years and a maximum of 20 years.

If substantial bodily injury does not result to the child from the prohibited abuse or neglect, a defendant with no past history of convictions for similar conduct could be charged with a Category B felony and could be punished with a prison sentence of at least one year and a maximum of six years. With prior convictions, if no substantial bodily harm results to the child from abuse or neglect, the defendant would be charged with a Category B felony and could face a minimum of two years imprisonment and a maximum of 15 years of imprisonment.

In addition to these penalties and other specific penalties for other offenses set forth in N.R.S. 200.508, child abuse and neglect of children is also addressed in N.R.S. 200.5083. Under this statute, willfully mutilating the genitalia of a female child or participating in the mutilation of a female child’s genitalia could result in conviction for a Category B felony carrying a minimum prison term of two years, a maximum prison term of 10-years, and the possibility of a $10,000 fine.

Removing a child from the state of Nevada for purposes of mutilating the child’s genitalia can also result in conviction under this statute and it is not a defense if the individual who engages in prohibited conduct believes that the mutilation is necessary or appropriate as a result of custom or ritual. It is also not a defense if the parent, legal guardian, or other adult who is responsible for the care of the child consents to the prohibited genital mutilation of the girl who is victimized.

What Our Clients Are Saying

When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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Contact a Criminal Defense Law Firm in Las Vegas, NV

A Nevada criminal defense lawyer at LV Criminal Defense is the right advocate for you if you have been accused of the abuse or neglect of children. Our legal team has represented many defendants accused of violating the laws in Chapter 200. Because of our extensive experience assisting clients who have committed crimes against the person, we can provide the help that you need to develop the right legal strategy to find a way to fight charges.

If you are concerned that you may be a suspect in a child abuse and neglect case, you should be sure to give us a call soon as possible so we can go right to work on helping you to develop a strategic approach to responding to serious charges. To find out more details about how our legal team can provide comprehensive assistance to you, give us a call today.