Vegas Defense Attorney | Mutilation of Genitalia of Female Child

Vegas Defense Attorney | Mutilation of Genitalia of Female ChildThe state of Nevada has imposed strict laws prohibiting certain types of conduct that the state considers to be child abuse. One type of conduct the state has declared unlawful relates to the mutilation of the genitalia of a female child.

Within certain cultures and religions, female genital mutilation is an accepted practice. However, a cultural and social tradition in which genital mutilation is permissible and encouraged does not give a defendant a license to break the law. This means that even if the parent consents and even if female genital mutilation is a common practice, participating in or facilitating this type of mutilation can still result in serious criminal charges in the state of Nevada.

If you are accused of any involvement with female genital mutilation, it is imperative that you consult with an experienced attorney for assistance in fighting the accusations against you. You need to talk with a Las Vegas defense attorney who understands these types of cases, who can handle your case with the knowledge and compassion you deserve, and who knows how to help you to navigate the legal system so you can get the best possible outcome.

LV Criminal Defense is here to help you. To find out about the assistance we can provide to you if you are faced with charges in connection with the mutilation of the genitalia of a female child, give us a call today.

N.R.S. 200.5083: Mutilation of A Female Child’s Genitalia

Nevada laws criminalizing genital mutilation of a female child are found within a subsection of Chapter 200 of Title 15. The subsection is a section related to crimes involving the abuse and neglect of a child. Chapter 200 is the chapter of Nevada’s criminal code related to crimes against persons, and Title 15 is the penal code in Nevada that deals with crimes and punishments.

The law related to female genital mutilation is found within the Nevada Revised Statute section 200.5083. According to the relevant statute, a person who willfully mutilates the genitals of a child can be found guilty of female genital mutilation. A person who aids abets, or encourages someone else in mutilating the genitals of a female child can also be found guilty, as can any individual who removes a female child from the state of Nevada for purposes of having the child’s genitals mutilated or mutilating the child’s genitals.

Top Rated Criminal Lawyer

Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


N.R.S. 200.5083 makes clear that if any person engages in the prohibited conduct, that individual can be sentenced even if that individual who engages in the behavior believes that female genital mutilation is “necessary or appropriate,” whether it is “necessary” as a matter of custom, as standard practice, or as part of a ritual. It also does not matter if the child, the parent, the legal guardian of the child, or any other person responsible for the child’s care consents to the mutilation — it is still considered to be a crime.

The offense is a Category B felony under the law in the state of Nevada and it carries a mandatory minimum two-year prison sentence so a defendant who is convicted will be imprisoned for at least some time. The maximum possible penalty that could be imposed for participating in female genital mutilation is ten years of imprisonment. A defendant found guilty of this offense could also face a fine up to $10,000.

Contact a Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer

Because female genital mutilation is considered such a serious offense in Nevada, it is important you talk with a Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer for help as soon as possible so your experienced attorney can begin to work on helping you to develop an effective trial strategy.

LV Criminal Defense can provide the assistance you need to tackle serious charges assertively so you can minimize the likelihood of serious penalties. Give us a call today to find out more.

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When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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