Vegas Defense Lawyer Explains Armed Association Crime

The right to keep and bear arms is protected throughout the United States by the Second Amendment, and Nevadans benefit from these second amendment protections which guarantee they are secure in the right to own guns. However, just because there is a right to bear arms doesn’t mean there is no restriction on what people can do in the state of Nevada in relation to guns and other weapons.

There are many different laws dealing with weapons-related offenses which have criminalized various types of conduct considered to be too dangerous. Title 15 is Nevada’s penal code defining the elements of different crimes and establishing punishments imposed for various offenses, so weapons crimes are defined within Title 15. This part of Nevada’s code is further divided into different chapters identifying different kinds of offenses, and offenses related to weapons appear in several chapters of Title 15.

One of the chapters where a weapons crime is made unlawful is Chapter 203, which is the part of Title 15 that defines offenses against public order. Within Chapter 203 is a statute that prohibits armed association. If you are accused of violating this law, you should contact a compassionate and knowledgeable Vegas defense attorney at LV Criminal Defense as soon as possible.

LV Criminal Defense has provided representation to defendants accused of many types of weapons offenses, as well as defendants accused of many different offenses related to disturbing public peace. We know how to help clients to build defenses and develop legal strategies to avoid conviction and we can put our strong knowledge of Nevada state law to work to help you as you navigate the criminal justice system. To find out more about the assistance that our firm can offer, give us a call today.

Nevada Revised Statute Section 203.080: Armed Association

The statute in Chapter 203 that prohibits armed association is Nevada Revised Statute section 203.080. According to the relevant law, it’s illegal for any body of individuals – other than the U.S. troops; the state militia, university or public school companies or cadets; or municipal police – to associate themselves together as a military company with arms.

No body of individuals who falls outside of the exceptions can form a military company with arms unless they have the consent of the Governor. However, those who are members of social associations or who are members of benevolent associations are permitted to wear swords.

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Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


If a defendant violates these laws by associating with a military company that has not been consented to by the governor, the defendant may be convicted of a misdemeanor offense if the prosecutor successfully brings charges and proves every element of Chapter 203.080 beyond a reasonable doubt.

A misdemeanor offense can result in a variety of possible penalties, depending upon the circumstances. While misdemeanors do not often result in lengthy jail sentences, defendants could face time behind bars along with being left with a permanent criminal record and potentially having to endure other penalties including large fines and probation.

Getting Help from a Las Vegas, NV Defense Lawyer

Avoiding a criminal record through pre-trial diversion, fighting for acquittal, or negotiating a plea agreement are the main options a defendant has after being accused of armed association. A Vegas criminal attorney at LV Criminal Defense can provide assistance evaluating the possible responses to charges and determining which is most likely to result in favorable outcomes given the nature of the charges and the strength of the evidence.

If you have been accused of armed association, you should reach out to our compassionate and knowledgeable legal team as soon as possible so we can begin working on developing the right legal strategy for you. Give us a call today to find out more about how our firm can help you.

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When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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