Nevada Defense Attorney Explains Crime of Forcible Entry

False report by public officerNevada prohibits residents and visitors from engaging in behaviors that are disruptive or dangerous. In order to prevent people from engaging in prohibited behaviors, Nevada defines certain types of conduct as criminal conduct and imposes penalties. Title 15 of the Nevada code explains what kinds of behaviors are illegal in Nevada, what prosecutors must prove for defendants to be convicted of each behavior that has been criminalized, and what the penalties are for unlawful behavior.

Title 15 is divided up into different chapters for different types of criminal offense. Conduct that is illegal because it disturbs public peace is criminalized within statutes found in Chapter 203 of title 15. Within Chapter 203, there is a statute that prohibits forcible entry and detainer.

If you have been accused of this crime, you face charges that you will need to be proactive about responding to if you want to avoid a criminal record and the threat of serious penalties. LV Criminal Defense can provide you with assistance fighting the charges that you are facing.

Our Vegas criminal defense lawyers have extensive experience providing representation to defendants accused of all different types of offenses found in Chapter 203 and we know the laws very well regarding offenses related to breaching the peace. To find out more about how we can put our legal knowledge and experience to work on your case when you’ve been accused of forcible entry and detainer, give us a call today.

Nevada Revised Statute Section 203.110: Forcible Entry and Detainer

The offense of forcible entry and detainer is found in Nevada Revised Statute section 203.110. According to the relevant law, any person who uses force or violence to enter or detain the lands or possession of another could be guilty of this offense. A defendant could also be convicted of forcible entry and detainer for encouraging or assisting others to use force or violence to enter or detain lands or possessions of someone else.

Forcible entry and detainer does not just criminalize the act of forcing your way onto someone else’s land. N.R.S. 203.110 also defines this offense to include unlawfully remaining, settling upon, or taking possession of land or possession that you have already been removed from. If you have been removed from the land or possessions at the direction of a court, tribunal, or officer and you return unlawfully to settle, reside upon, or take possession of land or other possessions, you can be found guilty of this offense.

Top Rated Criminal Lawyer

Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


If the prosecutor is able to prove that you acted unlawfully in returning to a place you’ve been removed from or if the prosecutor is able to prove that you acted unlawfully in forcing your way in somewhere, you could be found guilty of a misdemeanor criminal offense under Nevada Revised Statute section 203.110.

Misdemeanor crimes aren’t considered as serious as gross misdemeanors or felonies and penalties are not as severe for these offenses as for many other crimes. However, the possibility that conviction could result in jail time, a permanent criminal record, fines and other penalties necessitates that you are proactive in responding appropriately to charges of forcible entry and detainer.

Contact Nevada Defense Lawyers

Nevada defense lawyers can provide representation to a defendant who has been accused of forcible entry and detainer, or to a defendant who has been accused of any other violation of laws aimed at preventing a breach of the peace.

At LV Criminal Defense, we have successfully represented many defendants facing charges in connection with offenses in Chapter 203 and we can put our extensive legal experience with this area of the law to work on your case. To find out more about the help we can offer, give us a call today.

What Our Clients Are Saying

When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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