Nevada Defense Lawyer Explains Misappropriation by Treasurer

Nevada has put rules in place to protect public money. In fact, an entire chapter of Nevada’s penal code, which is found in Title 15, defines different kinds of offenses related to misappropriation of public money or property.

The chapter defining crimes against the revenue and property of the state is Chapter 204 of Nevada’s code. Chapter 204 prohibits many different offenses, including prohibiting any public official from using for his or her personal use any property or money he has access to that belongs to the government. One of the statutes within Chapter 204 also specifically makes it illegal for the treasurer to misappropriate funds.

If you are accused of violating the law against a treasurer misappropriating funds, or if you have been accused of any violation of Chapter 204, you have legal rights. You need to ensure that you take smart steps to respond to accusations to try to resolve the serious allegations against you as quickly and effectively as possible. Working with a Las Vegas defense lawyer can help you to determine the best legal strategy to take that’s likely to minimize consequences or allow you to avoid the consequences associated with conviction.

LV Criminal Defense is a Nevada defense law firm that has extensive experience handling cases related to violations of Chapter 204. Our firm knows the law inside and out and we can put our experience to work as we help you to respond to charges. Give us a call today to find out more about the assistance we can offer you.

Nevada Revised Statue Section 204.050: Misappropriation by Treasurer

The statute in Chapter 204 that prohibits misappropriation by the treasurer is Nevada Revised Statute section 204.050. According to the relevant statute, the offense of misappropriation by treasurer can be committed by any state, county, city, or town treasurer.

A treasurer can be found guilty of committing the offense outlined in Chapter 204.050 if the treasurer willfully misappropriates any money, funds, or securities that have been received or deposited with the treasurer. The statute requires willfulness, which means that a prosecutor would need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the treasurer acted intentionally in his conduct when he misappropriated the money, funds, or securities that were received or deposited with him.

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Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


Under N.R.S. 204.050, a treasurer can also be found guilty of a criminal offense for any other malfeasance or willful neglect of duty in office. Again, willfulness is required if a treasurer is to be convicted of misappropriation as a result of his malfeasance or his intentional neglect of his obligations.

The charges and penalties for misappropriation by the treasurer will vary depending upon the amount of money that is involved in the transaction. If the treasurer is accused of willfully misappropriating funds, property, or securities or is accused of willfully neglecting his duties in office and an amount less than $250 is affected by his alleged violation, the treasurer will face misdemeanor charges. However, if $250 or more is involved in the alleged violation, the treasure could be charged with a category D felony under N.R.S. 204.050.

Getting Help from Vegas Defense Attorneys

LV Criminal Defense has extensive experience providing representation to defendants accused of both felony and misdemeanor crimes. Our Las Vegas criminal lawyers understand the rules of Chapter 204 inside and out, we know how prosecutors try to pursue misappropriation cases, and we can help you to evaluate the strength of the evidence to determine if you should negotiate a plea agreement or if you should fight charges in court.

To find out more about the ways in which Vegas defense lawyers at our firm can assist you in responding to charges– or to get help from a compassionate and knowledgeable legal professional in responding to the specific charges that you are facing so you can fight for your future — give us a call today.

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