Vegas Defense Attorneys Explain Interference with Officers

Public officers have many important responsibilities that they must carry out within the state of Nevada. To ensure that officials are able to fulfill their duties and obligations and effectively serve the public, the state of Nevada has made it a crime to interfere with a public officer.

If you are accused of interference with a public officer, you need to understand the nature of the charges and be assertive in responding to allegations against you. Whether you are just under investigation or whether you have actually been charged with violating the law, you should contact LV Criminal Defense as soon as possible.

Our Las Vegas defense law firm will help you to fight against the serious accusations you are facing that could leave you imprisoned, derail your career and destroy your reputation. Give us a call to find out more about how our compassionate and knowledgeable legal team will help you.

Nevada Law Defines the Offense of Interfering with a Public Officer

The offense of interfering with a public officer is defined in Nevada Revised Statute section 197.090. According to the relevant law, interference with a public officer is a gross misdemeanor except in circumstances defined in N.R.S. 200.481, which imposes harsher penalties on a person who commits assault, battery or related offenses against public officials.

Interference with a public officer is defined by N.R.S. 197.090 to include using threat, force, or violence with the goal of attempting to deter or prevent an executive or administrative officer from performing any duty that the officer has a lawful right to carry out. The relevant statute also makes clear that you can be charged with interference with a public officer if you resist, by force or violence, any officer who is attempting to perform his or her duties.

Interfering with a public officer is distinct from other offenses, such as impersonating a public officer or trying to usurp the duties of a a public officer – both of which are defined as crimes in N.R.S. 197.120. For purposes of N.R.S. 197.090, the interference must take the form of threats, force or violence in an attempt to make it impede the public officer’s attempt to carry out his duties.

Top Rated Criminal Lawyer

Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


Whether or not a defendant will be charged with interference of a public officer, or will be charged with a more serious crime like assault or battery, is going to be determined by the level of force or by the level of threat that is used to attempt to impede the public officer from carrying out his duties. This can be a question of fact that is disputed in criminal proceedings, so you should make certain you have a good lawyer who can help you to argue that you did not commit any offense or that the offense you did commit did not rise to the level of assault or battery.

Contact a Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer for Help

A Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer can provide you with advice and assistance in fighting charges based on interference with a public officer. Our legal team has helped many clients to introduce doubt about their guilt to avoid conviction or to raise affirmative defenses so they cannot be found guilty of the crime of interference with an officer. We have the knowledge necessary to assist you in making the strongest possible case to maximize the chances of being acquitted on these serious gross misdemeanor charges.

Our legal team can also help you to fight accusations of related offenses, such as impersonating public officers, and can work with you to develop the right legal strategy for avoiding or reducing penalties for any offense with which you have been accused. To learn more about how Nevada defense attorneys at LV Criminal Defense can assist you, give us a call today.

What Our Clients Are Saying

When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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