Nevada Defense Lawyer Explains Crimes Against Public Justice

Law Reach Into NevadaThe criminal justice system in the United States is one of the bedrocks of freedom and liberty. The constitution is clear that no person can be deprived of life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness without due process. Every defendant must be viewed as innocent until proven guilty and must be given the chance to face his accuser and fight for his freedom within the criminal justice system.

To maintain the integrity of the justice system, the law is clear that certain behaviors are prohibited. Both officials within the justice system and members of the public can face serious consequences for attempting to corrupt justice. Chapter 199 of Title 15 of the Nevada Code is the section of Nevada’s law that defines crimes against public justice. There are myriad offenses prohibited within this section of Nevada’s criminal code.

If you are accused of a violation of any of the provisions of Chapter 199, LV Criminal Defense is here to help you. Our legal team will work closely with you to identify the evidence against you and to develop a sound legal strategy aimed at navigating the justice system in the most effective way possible. When you need a Nevada defense attorney who is experienced and skilled enough to fight to protect your future, you can give us a call to get the help you need.

Nevada Crimes Against Public Justice

There are many types of crimes against public justice which are prohibited by Chapter 199. Offenses are found in Nevada Revised Statutes section 199.010 through 199.540. These offenses are divided into different categories, including offenses related to bribery and corruption; crimes related to rescuing people or property from custody; perjury and subornation of perjury offenses; crimes connected with falsifying evidence; conspiracy crimes; solicitation offenses; crimes related to obstruction of criminal investigations; and then a general category for other miscellaneous offenses.

Both officials within the criminal justice system and outsiders to the system can be charged with offenses. Some of the behaviors that are made illegal by Chapter 199 include:

    • Bribing a judicial officer or asking for or receiving bribes as a judicial officer.
    • Jurors accepting or soliciting bribes.
    • Unlawfully influencing jurors, prospective jurors, arbitrators or referees.
    • Misconduct of the officer who is vested with responsibility to prepare the jury list or misconduct of the officer who is in charge of jury duty.
    • Soliciting jury duty.
    • Rescuing, or attempting to rescue, a prisoner who is in lawful custody.
    • Retaking, or attempting to retake, goods which an officer is lawfully in custody of.
    • Making a false complaint or submitting a false affidavit to get a search warrant or to have someone arrested.
    • Making a false statement in a declaration made under penalty of perjury.
    • Attempting to suborn perjury, or to convince or support someone in perjuring himself.
    • Offering false evidence
    • Destruction of evidence
    • Preventing a person from testifying or preventing a person from producing evidence.
    • Bribing or intimidating witnesses in order to influence the testimony that they provide.
    • Witnesses accepting bribes.
    • Neglecting to or refusing to receive a person into custody.
    • Refusal to make an arrest or refusal to aid an officer in making an arrest.
    • Resisting a public officer.
    • Intimidating a juror, referee, public officer, or other public employee.
    • Malicious prosecution or wrongly inducing a lawsuit.
    • Failure to appear after being released from custody, either on bail or on your own recognizance.
    • Criminal contempt.
    • Falsely misrepresenting the identity of a child or adult to improperly receive property from the estate of a deceased person.
    • Substituting a child who has been entrusted into your care for a different child to mislead parents or guardians.
    • Initiating a lawsuit in someone else’s name.
    • Maliciously procuring a search warrant.
    • Peace officers exceeding their authority when a search warrant is executed.
    • Extorting a confession.
    • Malicious destruction of official or legal notices.
    • Conspiracy to commit a crime.
    • Solicitation.
    • Obstructing a criminal investigation by refusing to disclose information subject to the investigation; by providing advance notice of a possible search and seizure; or by notifying someone that they are having their communications monitored.

Many of these offenses carry very serious potential consequences and some of the crimes against public justice that are outlined in Chapter 199 are felony offenses. When you are accused of a crime against public justice, it will be important to vigorously fight the charges that you are facing.

Top Rated Criminal Lawyer

Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


Many of these crimes have complex, technical definitions so you need help from a Las Vegas defense attorney who understands what the law requires a prosecutor to prove. You should reach out to a compassionate and knowledgeable attorney as soon as you have been accused of any crime against public justice.

Contact a Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney

LV Criminal Defense has represented many individuals accused of crimes against public justice. Our legal team knows the laws inside and out and we can help you to carefully consider the evidence against you so you can devise the most appropriate legal strategy. The goal is to help you avoid conviction or to reduce the penalties that you could face if you are found guilty of committing a crime against public justice.

When you have been accused of a crime against public justice, the prosecutor assigned to the case has the legal burden of proving, beyond a reasonable doubt, that you committed every element of the offense with which you have been accused. Our Nevada defense lawyers will help you to cast doubt on evidence presented by the prosecutor to reduce the chances of a guilty verdict. You should give us a call as soon as you have been arrested or if you are under investigation so we can put our considerable legal experience to work fighting for your future. Call now to get an advocate on your side as you navigate the criminal justice system in response to serious charges.

What Our Clients Are Saying

When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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