NRS 209.457 thru 209.481 – Overview of Work Programs in Nevada Correctional Facilities

The Nevada legislature empowered the Department of Corrections to establish programs to employ offenders. The specific statutory authority can be found in Nevada Revised Statutes 209.457 thru 209.481.

You May Be Chosen to Work in Conservation Camps

Now, to be eligible to work in conservation camps, you must be eligible to be assigned to a minimum-security facility or institution. You can not have:

  • Seriously broken the rules of a facility or institution while in jail or prison (within a reasonable timeframe);
  • Failed to do what you were assigned when you were assigned to do it in a different job department and in an orderly manner;
  • Have ever been convicted of any sexual offense that is punishable as a felony;
  • Has been convicted of any crime in the preceding year involving the threatened use or using violence or force against a person in a way that is punishable as a felony;
  • Has attempted to or succeeded at an escape from jail or prison.

And then, there are set procedures for classifying the prisoners that qualify and selecting those who will work in this program.

What Would I Do in a Conservation Camp?

You’d fight fires in the forest, work public safety, forestry conservation programs, and day labor projects, including the beautification of highways. You’ll also be part of an emergency response and work projects that work to conserve human resources and natural resources. And don’t worry, you’ll be trained in everything before you’re thrown into the field.

You May Be Chosen to Make License Plates

The Director will give the Department of Motor Vehicles a secure facility that they can use to employ you in producing license plates.

You May Be Permitted to Work in a Community Program

With the Board’s approval, the Director can allow prisoners to participate in specific educational, charitable, and civic programs that will benefit the community as long as appropriate security measures are taken.

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Creating New Programs

If the Director wishes to start a new program to employ the offenders inside the prison, he must first prepare a report of how it will impact the industries and businesses around him and the effect on the number of jobs that would consequently be made unavailable to the general public.

The report he must submit to the Committee on Industrial Programs must contain a detailed written analysis of what kind of effect he estimates the contract will have on the State’s private industries. For instance, he must answer the questions: “How many private Nevada industries already offer these services or products?” “How many residents do these industries currently employ?” “How many additional prisoners would be employed if this contract were approved?” “What new skills would the prisoners learn due to the approval of this contract?”

Requirements for These Programs

  • The director must allow you to spend forty hours a week working in the program or vocational training.
  • He must allow you time off for medical reasons.
  • He must excuse you to attend educational classes.

Can I Hold Jobs Outside of Prison-Provided Employment?

You can if you first obtain approval of the Director. He has every right to approve or disapprove either private employment or self-employment you wish to engage in.

However, there are three stipulations that you must follow:

  1. You must deposit all of your income into your Prisoner’s Personal Property Fund account.
  2. You must provide a copy of your federal income tax returns, withholding forms, and any other available reports.
  3. If requested, you must also provide the Director with any bank account records.

Besides this, your private employer will also need to provide the Director with a few additional things:

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  1. Monthly reports of all the wages you’ve made; and
  2. And other information the Director requests.

What Will the Prison Do with the Labor I Provide?

  • Offset the prison operation costs and to pay your wages;
  • Pay the management and provide the space and equipment you need for the manufacturing and services that you provide;
  • Pay the wages of professionals to instruct and supervise you; and
  • Maintain you in the institution over and above that which you’re able to pay; and
  • Use the labor to ready you perform to ready you for a workforce that requires trained individuals.

Jobs You Cannot Do

You cannot hold a job that requires you to telemarket, take polls over the telephone, or have any access to personal information of a citizen.

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