Las Vegas Defense Lawyer Explains Crimes and Punishments

Las Vegas Defense Lawyer Explains Crimes and PunishmentsIn the state of Nevada, Title 15 of the Nevada Code is the part of Nevada law where crimes are defined and penalties are established. Within Title 15, there is a section called General Provisions, found in Chapter 193. This section includes definitions of many of the words that are used throughout the state’s criminal code. It also includes details on the different penalties that can be imposed when defendants are found guilty of committing different kinds of offenses.

Any defendant who has been accused of a criminal act should be aware of the provisions of Chapter 193. The definitions found within this chapter of the Nevada code could affect the circumstances under which you are found guilty of a crime. This chapter also helps you to understand the different kinds of penalties that could be imposed upon you if you are convicted of offenses.

LV Criminal Defense is here to help any defendant who has been charged. We provide representation to defendants accused of all different types of crimes, and we assist at all phases of criminal proceedings. As soon as you have been accused, our defense lawyers in Vegas can assist you in understanding the nature of your charges, determining the potential penalties that could be imposed as outlined in Chapter 193, and taking action to raise effective defenses. Give us a call today to find out more about the ways in which we can assist you in fighting your charges and in better understanding the stakes of your criminal proceedings.

Definitions in Chapter 193

Within Chapter 193, many of the key words found within Nevada’s criminal code are defined. Some of the different types of definitions include:

  • Definitions related to locations: The term boat, building, building, swelling house, property, and prison are all defined. These definitions are important for different offenses, like the offense of burglary.
  • Definitions related to criminal behavior: There are terms like “break” and “enter” defined, which can be important for crimes where a defendant is accused of unlawfully accessing a property.
  • Definitions related to state of mind: Provisions in Chapter 193 include definitions of words like knowingly, malice, neglect, and intent to defraud. It is important to have a clear definition of these words, which relate to a defendant’s state of mind, because more serious penalties can be imposed in cases where defendants knowingly break the law or act with malice as opposed to in circumstances where defendants are merely negligent.

These are just a few of the key types of definitions that are included in Chapter 193. Nevada Revised Statutes sections 193.011 through 193.0245 all include definitions of various words that are used to define crimes and determine penalties.

Classification of Crimes and Penalties in Chapter 193

Chapter 193 does more than just define words found within Nevada’s criminal code. It also includes sections related to the classification of crimes, as well as statutes dictating the kinds of penalties that could be imposed upon criminal defendants. For example:

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Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.

  • N.R.S. 193.120 explains how different crimes are classified. According to the relevant statute, a crime is an act or omission the law forbids which can result in punishment. The relevant statute also indicates that if a crime is punishable by death or imprisonment in the state prison, the offense is a felony. If the crime is punishable by a maximum fine of $1,000 or a maximum of six months imprisonment in the county jail, it is a misdemeanor. All other offenses are considered to be gross misdemeanors, according to N.R.S. 193.120.
  • N.R.S. 193.130 outlines the different categories of felony offenses and the punishments associated with each category of felony.
  • N.R.S. 193.140 explains the penalties that can be imposed under Nevada law for those who are convicted of gross misdemeanor offenses.
  • N.R.S. 193.50 establishes the punishments that will be imposed upon a defendant in Nevada who is convicted of a misdemeanor offense.
  • N.R.S. 193.160 sets forth penalties for misdemeanors that are created by corporations, in such circumstances where the statute detailing the criminal offense does not establish a fixed penalty.
  • N.R.S. 193.1605 explains what the penalties are if a gross misdemeanor is committed on school property, or is committed on a school bus or at a school sponsored activity while N.R.S. 193.161 establishes additional or alternative penalties in circumstances where felonies are committed on school grounds or at school activities.
  • N.R.S. 193.162 explains the additional penalties that can be imposed in circumstances where an adult commits a felony criminal offense with the assistance of a child.
  • N.R.S. 193.163 sets froth additional penalties when a handgun that contains metal-piercing bullets is used when a crime is committed, while N.R.S. 193.165 explains additional penalties if tear gas or deadly weapons are used in connection with a criminal offense.
  • N.R.S. 193.167 establishes additional penalties imposed by a person who violates a court order of protection in order to commit the offense.

These provisions of Nevada law, which deal with penalties imposed upon defendants who are convicted, are some of the most important laws on the books. When you are convicted of a crime, your biggest concern is likely the possible penalties that can result from that conviction. You need to know what the stakes are so you can better develop your legal strategy. For example, Vegas defense attorneys can assist you in determining if a plea deal being offered is a good one – and you’ll need an understanding of potential penalties for different offenses so you can understand whether a plea deal makes sense to take or not.

Getting Help from a Las Vegas Criminal Attorney

A Las Vegas criminal attorney at LV Criminal Defense will provide you with the comprehensive information you need to understand how Chapter 193 affects the likelihood of your conviction. We can work with you to determine what your potential penalties could be as defined by Chapter 193 and we help you to develop the most effective legal strategy to minimize or avoid these penalties.

To find out more about how defense attorneys in Nevada can fight on your behalf to protect your freedom, give us a call today.

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When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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