NRS Chapter 211 – Overview of the Local Facilities for Detention of Convicts in Nevada

If you or a family member was placed under arrest for violating the law, there is a possibility you will wind up in a local facilities intended for the detention of convicted defendants. There are various types of detention facilities and the laws related to these facilities are set forth in Chapter 211 of the Nevada Revised Statutes. The statutes within Chapter 211 concern the following detention facilities in Nevada:

  • County jails
  • Branch county jails
  • Other types of detention facilities

Chapter 211 also sets forth the regulations for proper management of prisoners, electronic monitoring, etc.

Important Questions Answered

It’s only natural to have questions about what might happen to you or your loved ones in jail. Below is a series of common questions and accompanying answers.

Q: What happens if there’s a warrant for my arrest?

A: Sometimes, when you have any type of run-in with the County, they may come upon a warrant out for your arrest by another agency. In this case, they’ll take you into custody, if they haven’t already for a reason of their own, and then proceed to contact the agency that has the warrant out on you.

If you’re in trouble with the County, whether you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor or more, the County will take care of their end first. You’ll get your court date, hearing, and be sentenced just as if the warrant never existed.

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The County will then contact the agency that has the warrant out on you again. This time, they’ll give them the go-ahead to come to pick you up for transfer to their facilities. That agency will be there between seventy-two hours and seven days to take you into custody depending on any paperwork they may file with the County. If your warrant was only out for a misdemeanor, and if they don’t pick you up on time, you’ll be free to walk.

Q: What happens to my belongings when I’m taken into custody?

A: Any personal items and money are taken and put into a personal account set up for you in the Prisoner’s Trust Fund. You’ll get your valuables and money (with interest) back at the end of your sentence.

Q: Who’s responsible for transporting prisoners when they’re being transferred?

A: There are a few of the places the Department of Corrections will transport the prisoners to:

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  • The facility or institution where they will serve the remainder of their sentence;
  • Another prison, facility, agency, or country;
  • Another state to serve their sentence;
  • Another agency for psychiatric care;
  • A medical facility under guard;

The sheriff or his deputies will transport a prisoner if they are being transferred to another place of imprisonment within the same county.

Q: How does a prisoner get the things he needs while in prison?

A: Many county jails have what’s called a commissary, or “store” inside the jail. Prisoners can purchase food, drinks, toiletries, and other things using the money from their Prisoner’s Trust Fund to pay for the items.

Q: I snapped and damaged some property in the jail. What now?

A: If you willfully damage or destroy County property, the County will give you reasonable notice before giving you an administrative hearing. If you’re found guilty, you’ll be responsible for paying for the damages or replacing the destroyed property.

Q: Are state prisoners really housed in the jails?

A: Yes. However, state prisoners will be treated the same as anyone else imprisoned in the county jail. They’ll have the same rules and regulations, receive the same disciplinary actions, and be subjected to the same form of employment.

Q: What happens if another county prisoner is causing problems among the prisoners?

A: If a prisoner is causing problems in the jail and gives the sheriff sufficient reason, he may choose to transfer him to another county jail. The prisoner’s sentence won’t change.

Overview of the Nevada Laws Related to Alternative Sentencing

There are different forms of monitoring and oversight that local facilities can utilize to keep track of prisoners, parolees, etc.

Intermittent Sentence

An intermittent sentence is when the prisoner is only in the jail on specific days and out on others. Typically, his “in” days are on days he doesn’t have to work. An intermittent sentence is sometimes a condition of probation, but at other times, it is how a prisoner’s sentence is set up.

Electronic Supervision

When you’re under electronic supervision, you wear a GPS bracelet on your ankle that transmits a signal back to law enforcement so they can track your whereabouts. Electronic Supervision is more commonly known as “House Arrest,” although most people can leave their houses to go to court-approved activities, such as school, work, rehab, and counseling. You do, however, have to be inside your home at any other time and also by curfew every night.

There are rules that you must follow when you’re under Electronic Supervision. A few of these include:

  1. You must stay out of certain areas as set by the courts.
  2. You must be inside your home by curfew.
  3. You must attend any court-ordered rehab and take drug tests.
  4. You must do any of your court-ordered community service.
  5. You cannot tamper with the ankle bracelet.

Breaking any of these rules will get you a court-ordered appearance. The judge chooses the penalty on a case-by-case basis. You might get a warning, penalties up to and including jail time, or the loss of the privilege to ever use Electronic Supervision again, thus leading to you being in jail or prison for the remainder of your sentence.

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