NRS 207.030 to 207.070 – Overview of Nevada Vagrant Laws

A homeless man is sleeping on bench

Poor homeless man or refugee sleeping on the wooden bench on the urban street in the city, social documentary concept, selective focus

Sometimes, people find themselves on hard times. Many of us have been there – but some fall on harder than others. If you lost your home, your job, and are now forced to wander the streets, there is a risk that you could be charged with violating Nevada vagrancy laws.

Who Is a Vagrant under Nevada Law?

A vagrant is a person that meets a specific criterion. They must:

  • Be homeless;
  • Be jobless;
  • Wander from place to place; and
  • Beg for money.

What Miscellaneous Crimes Apply to a Vagrant?

Every law that is on the books applies to a vagrant, just as they apply to anyone else, but some of them are considered to “apply to vagrants.” These laws, of course, apply to anyone but are listed under “vagrants” in NRS 207.030.

I am going to list the crimes here in full. If you don’t know what the crimes that are, how are you to avoid them? Some of them are pretty much common-sense, but others need to be listed.

It’s illegal to:

  1. Agree to or offer to engage in or engage in immoral or lewd conduct in any place that is open to public view or any public place;
  2. Agree to or offer to engage in, aid and abet or engage in any act of prostitution;
  3. Live in or around a house of prostitution;
  4. Be a pimp, procurer, or panderer.
  5. Try to get inside another person’s house under pretense so you can see who’s inside or to see the inside of the home;
  6. Keep lost or stolen property in a place you stay;
  7. Loiter in or about any public bathroom so you can engage in or solicit any lewd, lascivious, or illegal act;
  8. Sleep in or stay anywhere that you do not have permission or a right to be.

What Are the Penalties?

The penalties for “Vagrant Crimes” differ depending on which you break. They further vary depending on which violation you’re on.

Top Rated Criminal Lawyer

Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


The punishment for any of the miscellaneous crimes in the list above are:

For Miscellaneous Crimes – Numbers One thru Four

  • First Violation and Subsequent Violations occurring more than three years after the first violation – You’ll be punished for a misdemeanor.
  • Second Violation occurring one to three years after the first violation – You’ll go to jail for anywhere between thirty days to six months and be fined anywhere between $250 and $1,000.
  • Third Violation and Subsequent Violations within three years after the first violation – You’ll go to jail for six months and be fined for anywhere between $250 and $1,000.

For Miscellaneous Crimes – Numbers Five thru Eight

  • A Violation and Subsequent Violations You’ll be punished for a misdemeanor.

If a vagrant is charged with two or more violations, his terms of punishment must run successively.

What About Public Begging?

Each county and city government have
their own ordinances regulating the place,
time, and manner in which vagrants can
beg or solicit alms in any area that is open
to the public. Check with your county
or city for these ordinances.

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Can Criminals Be Employed While Imprisoned for “Vagrant Crimes”?

If a vagrant has been convicted of an above crime and thus sentenced to jail, he may be required to work under the supervision of the sheriff or another person the sheriff sets in charge over them. As long as it doesn’t cost the county anything, the work they might perform may be on:

  • Public works;
  • Public buildings;
  • Public grounds;
  • Any other ways in the county that the person who has charge over them deems appropriate.

The labor must not be unusual and must be humane, reasonable, and sufficient. It must be performed during fair and reasonable weather and in such a way that the person who has the charge over them can sufficiently prevent the escape of any prisoner under his or her custody.

Those committed with the charge of these prisoners might be any:

  • Road supervisor;
  • Superintendent;
  • Foreman; or
  • Other overseer or custodian of any public buildings or grounds or public works.

The prisoner is then returned to the sheriff’s custody once the working day is over.

Do Imprisoned Vagrants Get Credit for the Work They Do?

When a person who has been convicted of breaking a “Vagrant Law” willingly and faithfully performs daily work, he’ll be credited for the time worked. It is very profitable for him because, for every one day he works, he’ll get two days knocked off his sentence. In this way, he can cut his sentence in half.

Charged as a Vagrant in Violation of NRS 207.030 through NRS 207.070? Speak to an Experienced Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney Today

If you were arrested and charged as a vagrant in Las Vegas, it is strongly recommended that you retain the services of an experienced and qualified Las Vegas criminal defense attorney. Contact LV Criminal Defense at (702) 623-6362 to request a free consultation.