NRS 212.135 thru 212.189 – Overview of Rules and Regulations Associated with Visiting an Inmate in a Nevada Prison
If you are planning to visit someone who is incarcerated in a Nevada correctional institution, you need to be aware of the specific rules and regulations that govern inmate communications and meetings with members of the public. You should know that you cannot simply walk into a Las Vegas jail or prison and have a chat with an inmate on a whim. There are specific guidelines and visitation schedules that must be followed. In addition, the information provided below is an overview of related rules and regulations concerning meeting and communicating with someone who is currently serving a prison sentence in Nevada. The specific statutory provisions are set forth in NRS 212.135 thru 212.189.
Six Rules You Need to Know When Meeting and/or Communicating with an Individual Who is Incarcerated
First Rule- You can’t merely walk into the jail and at any time and expect to be able to visit your friend. In fact, you may not be able to communicate with him at all. There are steps that must be taken. If you want to see him, you must have a “pass”:
Get written permission from the district attorney;
Get the consent of the Director of the Department of Corrections; or
Get the consent of the sheriff of the jail he’s in.
If you otherwise attempt to communicate with your friend in any way, help someone else do so, or make plans to do so, you’ll be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. Consequently, you can be sentenced for anywhere from six months to 364 days in jail and fined up to $2,000.
Second Rule – If your friend is transferred to State Prison, there are other laws that you must follow there concerning your communications with your friend.
“Thou shalt not” provide your friend with:
Facsimiles of weapons;
Controlled substances;
Providing, attempting to, even conspiring with someone else to get any of these things to your friend is punishable by law. If you get an intoxicant to your friend, which would include any liquors, you’ll be charged with a gross misdemeanor. Providing any of the other objects – even just a toy knife or gun, will earn you a category B felony charge (see the chart for sentencing information).
Not only will you get into trouble, but you’ll be earning your friend a category D felony charge as well.
Third Rule – Don’t give your friend, whether they’re in prison or jail, cellphone, radio, computer that can connect to a network or anything else he can reach the outside world with! If you do, you’ll be charged with a category E felony. Giving your friend such will bring a category D felony onto their record.
Fourth Rule – Giving your friend alcohol or wine of any sort while they’re in jail will earn you a gross misdemeanor charge.
Fifth Rule – While meeting with your convicted friend or family member, don’t pass off any dangerous weapons. If an incarcerated person possesses a dangerous weapon, he’ll be charged with a category B felony. He’ll be sentenced to an extra one to six years in the state prison. Some examples of dangerous weapons are:
Any sharp instrument, such as a dagger, dirk, or a switchblade knife;
Weapon or instrument of the kind commonly known as a slungshot, blackjack, sand-club, billy, metal knuckles, or sandbag;
A facsimile of an explosive or firearm; and
Explosive, including any explosive or incendiary device or fixed ammunition.
Sixth Rule – Do not exhibit sexual conduct with him or her, whether in public or private. If you do, you’ll both be charged with a category D felony.
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