NRS 213.1092 to 213.10988 – Overview of Parole and Probation Officers in Nevada

When someone is convicted of a crime, they can be ordered to serve time in jail or prison. In many instances, that jail sentence includes a period when the defendant can apply for parole. This would enable the defendant to be released from custody earlier than their full sentence. The Nevada legislature enacted a series of statutes describing the parole process and the authority vested in Nevada probation officers.

What is the Qualification and Appointment Procedures for Chief Parole and Probation Officer?

Pursuant to NRS 213.1092, the Chief Parole and Probation Officer are to be appointed by the Director of the Department of Public Safety. However, the selection of the officers should be based on training, experiences and the best interest of the correction service. Besides, the selected individual must have at least five years’ experience in correctional programs.

According to NRS 213.1094, it is expected that the Chief Parole and Probation Officer must not hold any other duties or office. The rule explains that they should be devoted to their appointed tasks.

What are the Powers of the Chief Parole and Probation Officer, According to Nevada Laws?

Pursuant to NRS 213.1095, the following are the powers and duties of parole officers.

  1. They are responsible for and overseeing the fiscal concerns and duties of the Division.
  2. Have the abilities to create, consolidate and abolish sections within the Division.
  3. Can create or remove some of the districts where assistant parole and probation officers are stationed.
  4. Appoint the appropriate and needed supervisory team and assistant employees to execute duties for the division.
  5. Responsible for investigation and supervision reports and other documents required by the court or Board.
  6. Directing the work and responsibilities of assistants and employees within the department.
  7. Establishing investigation methods, supervision procedure and recordkeeping techniques.
  8. Developing policies for parole and probation after evaluating other correctional programs.
  9. Shall develop strategies of parole and probation after considering other acceptable and recognized correctional programs and conduct training courses for the staff.

What are the Powers and Duties of Assistant Parole and Probation Officers?

According to NRS 213.1096, they have the mandate to investigate all the cases referred to them by the Board or by the Chief Parole and Probation Office. The court can also refer cases to them for investigation. Assistant parole and probation officers also supervise those released on probation. They can do so by keeping records and data on those released and also encouraging them to adapt to positive behavior.

According to NRS 213.1096 assistant parole and probation officers, under the order of their direct senior, can collect and disburse funds per the law. They are also required to keep a record of the funds, including how they are spent.

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What is the Law on Handling of Seized, Use, and Sale of Instruments that are not Dangerous?

According to NRS 213.10983, all the seized, unclaimed or abandoned property must be delivered to the Division by the parole or probation officer. However, the instruments should be retrieved while the officer is pursuing their duties and not listed in NRS 202.350.

According to NRS 213.10983, the property in the custody of the division cannot return the item to the owner if there is evidence that it is contraband. Illegal substance or weapons shall be disposed of or destroyed per the law. If the property is not unlawful, it can be sold to the public if the owner cannot be determined after one year.

What is the Law on the Seizure of Illegal Weapons or Instruments by Parole or Probation Officers?

Pursuant to NRS 213.10985, all seized, abandoned or unclaimed instruments or weapons shall be delivered to the Division. The items must be listed in NRS 202.350, and when returned, it must be placed in secure lockers. Once the item is returned, the following are the duties for the Division:

  1. The Division shall:
  1. Destroy or direct to be destroyed the instrument or weapon if it is determined to be dangerous to the safety of the public.
  2. Return an instrument or weapon which has not been destroyed pursuant to paragraph (a), upon demand, to any person other than a parolee or probationer:
  3. From whom it was confiscated if that person is acquitted of the public offense or crime of which that person was charged; or
  4. Who otherwise claims and establishes ownership of it? Any such instrument or weapon which is not destroyed, returned or claimed within one year after the Division comes into possession of it becomes the property of the Division.

Who is Responsible for Adopting the Standards Regarding Parole and Probation?

According to NRS 213.10988, the chief probation officer has the mandate to either grant or revoke the parole or probation of a convicted person.

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If parole or probation officers seized your valuable items, consider speaking to an experienced Las Vegas defense attorney.

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