NRS 213.108 – Overview of the State Board of Parole Commissioners and Management of Activities of the Board

State Board of Parole CommissionersTo ensure public safety, the Board of Parole Commissioners was established to help ensure the successful reintegration of offenders back into society. Each member of the Board is tasked with taking proactive steps to ensure parole-related programs and initiatives are run effectively. The State Board of Parole Commissioners works for hand in hand with other government organizations and law enforcement.

What is the Structure of the State Board of Parole Commissioners under Nevada Law?

According to NRS 213.108, the State Board of Parole Commissioners is created within the Department of Public Safety. It comprises of seven members appointed by the Governor. The Governor appoints a Chair who effectively acts as the Executive Officer (EO) of the Board. The EO is responsible for administering and managing the activities of the Board except as otherwise provided in NRS 213.1085.

What are the Qualifications of Members of the State Board under Nevada Law?

According to NRS 213.108, each member of the Board must have at least:

  1. A bachelor’s degree in either criminal justice, law enforcement, sociology, psychology, social work, law or the administration of correctional or rehabilitative facilities and programs.
  2. Four years of experience in one or several of the fields above.

When making an appointment to the Board, the Governor shall ensure that at least one member of the Board who has experience in the field represents each of the fields listed above. None of the fields should have a representation of more than two members of the Board.

What are the Terms of Service for Members of State Board under Nevada Law?

According to NRS 213.1087, the term of office of each member of the Board is 4 years. Within this time, they are obligated to devote their entire attention to the business of the Board and must not pursue any other business or occupation. They shall not hold any other office of profit which takes away from them the full and timely performance of their duties.

Are Members of State Board Entitled to Any Form of Compensation?

Yes. The Executive Secretary and employees of the Board receive salaries, according to NRS 213.1086. However, any form of compensation must get a certification from the Secretary of the Board.

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What is the Role of the Executive Secretary and who appoints him or her under Nevada Law?

According to NRS 213.1085, the Board appoints the Executive Secretary, who is in the unclassified service of the State. He or she is selected based on their training, experience, capacity, and interest in correctional services.

The Executive Secretary is the Secretary of the Board. He or she performs such duties in connection therewith as the Board may require. Some of the duties include preparation of the agenda for the board meeting and answering correspondences from prisoners.

How New Appointees to the Board Prepare for the Responsibilities of the Position

In conjunction with the Department of Corrections, the Department of Public Safety creates an orientation program for the members of the Board. This is according to NRS 213.1088.

Each member of the board and person named by the Board to the list of persons eligible to serve as a case hearing representative under NRS 213.135 shall attend the orientation upon appointment to a first term.

It is only after the completion of the program of orientation that a person named to the list may serve as a case hearing representative. The program must include a minimum of 40 hours of training.

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Role of the Board in Granting or Revocation of Parole

According to NRS 213.10885, the Board adopts specific standards for each type of convicted person. This shall be guided by a regulation, which determines whether to grant or revoke parole. The regulation must also show various standards of determination and the standards are based on objective criteria for determining the person’s probability of success on parole.

The Board also reviews comprehensively the standards adopted to determine whether or not they are effective in predicting the probability that a convicted person will not violate the law if parole is granted or continued. The review is done on or before January 1 of each odd-numbered year.

What Exactly are “Subpoenas” under the Nevada Law?

This is when someone or a witness is compelled to go to a court of law to answer questions or produce documents. According to NRS 213.1089 and for NRS 213.107 to 213.157, the Chair of the Board and the inquiring officer conducting an inquiry of violation by a parolee may issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers.

Ramifications of a Witness Who Refuses to Honor a Subpoena

If this happens and according to NRS 213.1089, the Chair of the Board or inquiring officer may report to the district court by petition explaining that the notice was sent to the witness but he or she has failed or refused to attend or produce the books and papers required by the subpoena.

Upon such a petition, the court shall enter an order directing the witness to appear before the court and upon failure to obey the order; the witness must be dealt with as for contempt of court.

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