Vegas Lawyers Explain Who’s Liable for Punishment for Crimes

Certain behaviors have been defined under Nevada law as being illegal behaviors. When individuals or companies engage in those behaviors, the people or corporations who broke the law can be held accountable for their actions. In addition, even those who did not actually break the law themselves could potentially be liable for the offense and subject to punishment if they facilitated a crime committed by others.

Chapter 194 of Title 15 explains persons liable to punishment for crimes. Title 15 is the part of Nevada law that defines the different kinds of punishable criminal behavior, while Chapter 194 is very specific about who is capable of committing offenses and who can be punished for breaking the rules.

It is important to determine if you fall within the categories of people who are liable to punishment for a crime if you have been accused of wrongdoing, because whether or not you are able to be punished will impact how your case is treated.

If you are liable to punishment for a crime under Nevada law, then you could face a number of serious consequences if you are convicted of committing a criminal offense. The consequences will vary depending upon the category of offense and the nature of the crime that you have committed. The prosecutor has to prove you can be held accountable and that you actually committed the offense, or helped with the commission of the offense, in order for you to face punishment that has been proscribed by law.

LV Criminal Defense will help you to try to avoid prosecution, to earn an acquittal, or to successfully minimize the penalties that you could face for alleged wrongdoing. Our Las Vegas criminal defense law firm has provided aggressive representation to defendants accused of all different types of crimes in the state of Nevada. We will work hard to help you develop the best legal strategy aimed at minimizing or avoiding punishment, so give us a call to find out how our legal team can help you when you are facing charges.

Persons Liable to Punishment for Crime in Nevada

According to Nevada Revised Statute 194.020, a person who has committed any crime in Nevada, either in whole or in part, is considered liable to punishment. If an individual commits a crime outside of Nevada, which would be considered to be a larceny offense in Nevada, and is subsequently found in Nevada with any stolen property, the individual could be liable to punishment for a crime.

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Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


Others who could be charged with crimes under Nevada laws, according to N.R.S. Chapter 194 include those who aid or abet others to commit crimes in Nevada; individuals who abduct or kidnap people anywhere in or outside of the state and bring them into Nevada; and anyone who commits an act outside of the state of Nevada which affects people, property, or public health in the state.

These rules make clear that even if your unlawful acts begin elsewhere, if you bring the proceeds of the crime into the state of Nevada or if you harm someone who is within the state of Nevada, you could still face criminal charges in Nevada.

However N.R.S. 193.290 also governs what can happen if you commit an offense out of state and you are subsequently arrested in Nevada. Under N.R.S. 193.290, your conviction or acquittal in a different state for the same offense with which you have been charged in Nevada can be entered as a defense if charges are brought in-state.

For example, if you commit larceny in California and bring the stolen property into Nevada, you could be charged with a crime in Nevada under the rules of N.R.S. 194.020 because you would be considered a person liable to punishment since you brought the stolen goods into the state. But, if you were charged and convicted (or charged and acquitted) in California and then the state of Nevada attempted to charge you with the same underlying criminal offense, you could provide proof of the California case against you and N.R.S. 190.290 makes clear that you could enter this proof as a defense to your current charges.

You do not want to face prosecution in the state of Nevada for any offense you have allegedly committed, either in state or out of it. You also don’t want to be implicated and accused of aiding or abetting crime in some way, as your mere assistance could mean that you broke the law even if you did not directly engage in any wrongful behavior of your own.

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When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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You should work with an experienced attorney to understand what types of unlawful behavior could potentially result in facing criminal charges in the state if you are concerned that you could be liable to punishment. You should also talk with a lawyer to find out what your options are if you have been accused of wrongdoing.

Contact Nevada Criminal Lawyers

Just because you are liable to punishment for a crime does not mean you will actually be punished — even if you have been charged with committing an offense. You could potentially get charges against you dropped if there is insufficient evidence against you. You could also earn an acquittal in trial if you can introduce an affirmative defense or make it impossible for the prosecutor to meet his burden of proof.

LV Criminal Defense will help you to put together a sound legal strategy to maximize the chances of these favorable outcomes. Depending upon the nature of the prosecutor’s evidence against you, we can also help you to negotiate a plea deal to face a reduced penalty or lesser charges.

Don’t assume that you will be found guilty of any offense that you have been accused of committing. You have rights within the justice system, and our Las Vegas criminal defense attorneys will help you to defend your rights and maximize your chances of getting out unscathed when you are involved in a criminal case. Just give us a call as soon as you have been charged so we can get right to work on defending your good name and protecting your freedom.