Las Vegas Defense Attorneys Explain Registration Rules for Sex Offenders – N.R.S. Chapter 179D

Registration of Sex OffenderWhen accused of a sex crime, you not only face the prospect of incarceration but you are also at risk of being required to register as a sex offender. Being required to register as a sex offender is extremely burdensome and the consequences of this registration can affect every single aspect of your life.

Avoiding a conviction that could lead to registration should be your top priority, and you should reach out to leading LV criminal attorneys as soon as you can to find out what your rights are and how you can build a defense. Our legal team has the experience you need to fight sex crimes charges and we will work hard to maximize your chances of avoiding conviction or negotiating a plea deal to reduce charges and hopefully avoid registration.

If you have been convicted of a sex crime, you also need to make certain that you understand registration rules and that you understand your rights. You don’t want to cause your legal situation to become exponentially worse by not complying with registration requirements, so you should get the legal help you need to make certain that you can comply with the rules. You also need to know your rights, including protections in Nevada law to ensure that information from the sex offender registry is not used to harass or abuse.

The Las Vegas defense lawyers at LV Criminal Defense will help you with all laws related to registration, including those found in Chapter 179D of Nevada’s code of criminal procedure. Chapter 179D establishes many of the requirements associated with registration, including establishing rules for the dissemination of information.

To find out more about how our legal team can help you to comply with registration rules and protect your rights, give us a call today.

Chapter 179D: Registration of Convicted Persons

Chapter 179D provides details about who a convicted person is and who must register as a sex offender. This Chapter of Nevada’s criminal procedure code also details the duties of a sex offender to register with law enforcement, to provide notification of a change of address, and to submit to fingerprinting. The Chapter also imposes requirements for the mandatory registration of someone who has been convicted of a crime against a child.

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Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


The first part of Chapter 179D defines the words that are used within the remainder of this Chapter related to registration. Nevada Revised Statutes 179D.010 through 179D.120 define various words used throughout the Chapter, including “community notification,” “convicted,” “crime against a child,” “record of registration,” and more. It is important to understand what these words mean because the legal definition may be different than the standard dictionary definition or different from what you might expect the words to mean based on your general knowledge.

N.R.S. sections 179D.130 through 179D.138 provide for the creation of an advisory committee to study laws related to the registration of sex offenders. Sex offender registration is controversial because the consequences of registration are so dire and because registration is required of offenders even after they have fulfilled their sentence so it can be difficult for convicted offenders to move on with their lives. The Committee studies various aspects of sex offender registration laws.

N.R.S. Sections 179D.150 through N.R.S. 17D.170 detail records of registration, including the content of the record and inspections. Within this Record of Registration section, N.R.S. 179D.170 also establishes the protocol and process for sharing information with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) about registered sex offenders.

N.R.S. 179D.200 through N.R.S. 179D.430 were all repealed, as were the rules and regulations in N.R.S. 179D.600 through N.R.S. 179D.800. Now, requirements for registration and the procedure for registration are outlined in N.R.S. Sections 19D.441 through N.R.S. 179D.570.

The relevant subsections within Chapter 179D that are still good law specifically relate to sex offender registration, requirements and procedures for sex offenders. There are also limitations on liability if information is improperly disclosed which still remain in effect and which were not repealed..

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Because there are so many different rules and regulations contained with Nevada’s laws on registration for sex offenders and registration for individuals convicted of crimes against children, it can be difficult for those who are required to register to fully understand all that is expected of them.

Unfortunately, additional serious legal consequences can be imposed in the event of a failure to follow registration requirements. To make sure that you have a detailed understanding of all of the provisions of Nevada’s code of criminal procedure Chapter 179D, you should get the legal help that you need from LV Criminal Defense.

Getting Help from Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyers

You must take sex crimes charges very seriously from the very first day that you have been accused of committing a sexual offense. You also must take it very seriously if you are accused of a crime against a child. The penalties you face and the long-term registration requirements mean that being accused of a sex crime is one of the most life-changing things that can happen to you.

Nicholas M. Wooldridge, Esq is here to help. We will work closely with you from your first encounter with law enforcement or from the time the first accusations against you made. Our goal is to help you to avoid conviction whenever possible, or to reduce charges so you can face lesser penalties and potentially avoid registration.

If you have already been convicted, our legal team can still represent you and advocate for your interests. We can help you to understand the rules for registration, make certain your rights are being respected, and assist with any legal problems that may arise in connection with registration.

To find out more about the help that we can offer if you are facing sex crimes charges or if you are required to register as a sex offender, give us a call today.