Vegas Defense Lawyers Explain Record of Sex Offender Registration N.R.S. 179D.070

Record of RegistrationThe state of Nevada has very strict rules when it comes to offenders who have been convicted of certain sex offenses and who have been convicted of certain crimes against children. Being convicted of these types of crimes means that your penalties and consequences are not going to end with serving your prison sentence or completing other requirements imposed by the court like doing community service. You will also have to register as a sex offender, which can have a lifelong impact on virtually every aspect of your life.

There are rules in Nevada for when a sex offender must register, the information that a sex offender is required to provide, and the duties of a registered sex offender. Nevada laws also detail how and when community members are notified of a registered sex offender. The laws do mandate that information provided to community members must not be misused to harass or take criminal action against a registered offender.

If you are facing charges that could result in required sex offender registration, you should contact LV Criminal Defense as soon as possible. Our legal team can assist you in fighting against the charges that you face and can help you to do everything possible to try to get an acquittal or at least plea bargain down to a less serious offense that may not require registration or that may lower your tier as a registered offender.

We can also help if you have already been found guilty and are now coping with the state’s registration requirements. You need to know how registration works and what the rules are for your record of registration, and our Vegas criminal attorneys can explain the rules and help you to navigate them. Give us a call today to find out more.

Nevada Rules for a Record of Registration

The rules for the registration of sex offenders in Nevada are found in Chapter 179D of Nevada’s criminal procedure code. There are many different subsections of this chapter of Nevada’s code of criminal procedure, including a section that specifically sets forth the rules for records of registration.

The subsection devoted to records of registration includes Nevada Revised Statutes 179D.150, 179D.160, and N.R.S. 179D.170. Respectively, these statutes set forth the rules for the contents of records of registration, for the inspection of records of registration, and for information provided to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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According to N.R.S. 179D.150, a record of registration should include many different details about the sex offender and about the offense that was committed. The record should provide the name of the offender, as well as all aliases that the offender has used. A complete physical description should be provided and the record should contain the offender’s current photograph, his finger prints and his palm prints. The offender’s birthday should be listed in the file, as should his driver’s license or ID number and a report on any genetic markers obtained from the offender. Other identifying information should be included as available.

The record should also include details about where the offender currently lives, how long he has lived at that particular address, how long he plans to stay at that particular address, his place of work, his volunteer services, his enrollment in an academic institution, and whether or not he is working or plans to work in an academic institution.

The offender’s license plate and details about any vehicles he owns or drives should be included in the record, as should details about his criminal history, the dates of past convictions, the offenses he was convicted of, and the level of registration and community notification applicable to the offender. The text of the laws which he was convicted under and details about the offense like the specific acts of wrong committed against the victim and the means and method of the crime should also be included in the record.

If the offender has any distinctive characteristics or behaviors, these should also be a part of the records kept on that offender as well. Details about weapons used in the commission of the crime; about specific injuries which the victim suffered due to the offender; and about how the offender gained access to the victim should also be included within the record. A general description of the victim, including age, gender, race, and general physical traits is also supposed to be included in the record as well. The goal of including all of this information is so members of law enforcement who are conducting investigations will have a database to turn to of past offenders to determine if any similar crimes are being committed which fit a particular offender’s pattern.

N.R.S. 179D.160 explains who can inspect the records that are a part of Nevada’s sex offender registry. Records can be inspected by prosecuting attorneys from the Office of the Attorney General and law enforcement officers from inside or outside of Nevada including sheriff’s and police officers. The records can also be provided to the FBI and, according to N.R.S. 179D.170, records, fingerprints, addresses, and other information should be submitted immediately to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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When I initially met with Mr. Wooldridge, he took the opportunity to sit and go over my problem with me. He described details in my case which he found disturbing and explained why he I should have him on my side.

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These laws establish that there must be many important details kept in all records of registration which exist for sex offenders. Nevada has a central repository where records are kept and these records should be kept updated and comprehensive as convicted offenders comply with their requirements to register as sex offenders.

Getting Help From Vegas Defense Lawyers

Our lawyers at LV Criminal Defense are here to help you fight charges if you have been accused of a sex offense that could leave you with a record as a sex offender. We are also ready to fight for you and advise you if you have been convicted and are now coping with rules for registration.

You need to know your rights at every phase of your involvement with the criminal justice system and members of our legal team will be your strongest advocates. To find out more about the ways in which we can help you, give us a call today.