Las Vegas Prostitution Lawyer Explains Nevada Crime of Solicitation for Prostitution

solicitation for prostitutionBecause of its reputation as a place where “anything goes,” people often assume that prostitution is legal throughout the entire state of Nevada. This is not true, and in fact, any activity involving prostitution, directly or indirectly, in an area where it is not legal can bring serious penalties.

Customers, “pimps,” and prostitutes can all be punished under the Nevada solicitation law, which is NRS 201.354, even if no sex act ever takes place.

If you are arrested for soliciting prostitution, contact a Las Vegas defense lawyer right away.

Legal Definition of Soliciting for Prostitution in Las Vegas, Nevada

Solicitation involves finding clients (“johns”) for a prostitute and possibly also living off of the earnings of a prostitute. It is commonly known as “pimping.”

Solicitation for prostitution can be confused with pandering. Pandering is a different Nevada crime that means enticing a person to become a prostitute or putting them into business as a prostitute.

Solicitation is a lesser-included offense of pandering

Although they are different, soliciting for prostitution is a lesser-related offense of pandering, which means that you cannot be convicted of both pandering and soliciting for prostitution in Nevada.

Top Rated Criminal Lawyer

Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


Customers of Prostitutes

Solicitation for prostitution is similar to soliciting a prostitute, which means attempting to hire a prostitute to engage in a sex act. It is just as illegal to hire a prostitute as it is to be one or to be a pimp. The rest of the information on this page applies to customers of prostitutes.

Evidence in solicitation cases

The cases in Nevada show repeatedly that law enforcement officers often go undercover as prostitutes or “johns” to expose solicitation. In other cases, a statement of a witness is enough evidence to bring the solicitation charge in Las Vegas. Because these charges can be personally or professiona

Being too embarrassing, it is important to retain the best criminal lawyer as soon as possible if you are charged with soliciting prostitution in Nevada.

What is the sentence for soliciting prostitution in Las Vegas?

Solicitation of Adults

Soliciting prostitution is a misdemeanor offense in Las Vegas. As with all misdemeanors, jail time of up to six months in the county jail and fines up to $1,000 may be imposed. The court can also require community service hours if you are convicted of solicitation for prostitution.

Solicitation of Children

In cases where a child is offered for prostitution, the penalty increases to a Category E felony. Nevada Category E felonies carry 1 to 4 years in prison with the possibility of probation after 1 year served in the county jail. Fines of up to $5,000 may also be imposed.

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Where is solicitation for prostitution legal in Nevada?

It is legal to solicit prostitution only in licensed houses of prostitution in Nevada. Houses of prostitution are licensed and open in eight Nevada counties. Prostitution is legal in another four counties, but those counties do not have a brothel. Soliciting prostitution is not legal in Clark County, Nevada, where Las Vegas is located, and it is not legal in Washoe County, where Reno is located.

Defenses to Solicitation for Prostitution

Solicitation requires an overt attempt to engage in prostitution, with a clear arrangement made for money. Therefore, if either party involved innocently believed that money would not be exchanged because the two people genuinely liked each other, a solicitation charge is not appropriate.

Undercover law enforcement officers cannot arrest a person for soliciting prostitution if the officer entrapped the person. That means that the officer created a circumstance that the person would not otherwise have found him or herself in, and the person acted in a way that he or she would not have otherwise acted.

More Information

LV Criminal Defense can advise you of your rights in a solicitation for prostitution case. These charges can upset your personal and professional reputation, so hiring good Las Vegas defense attorneys can help reduce the charges and avoid disruption and embarrassment in your life.