Las Vegas Vehicle Burglary Arrests

auto-burglaryAuto Burglary is one of many Nevada crimes of burglary which involve cars, trucks, or other vehicles. Although there are no special penalties for “auto burglary” if you have been arrested for entering a vehicle which does not belong to you, you face many possible charges.

If you have been arrested for auto burglary, contact LV Criminal Defense as soon as possible to begin your defence. The prosecutor can assume you were in the vehicle to steal it, even if you did not steal it, which can result is serious time in a Nevada prison and other penalties. You need experienced defense counsel as soon as possible.

What is auto burglary in Nevada?

Auto Burglary is actually known as grand larceny of a motor vehicle. Grand larceny is the:

  • Stealing
  • Taking away;
  • Carrying away;
  • Driving away; or
  • Removing

of a motor vehicle which is owned by someone other than you.

There are several common scenarios of auto burglary you may have heard in the Las Vegas news:

  • Breaking into an unattended car and hot-wiring it;
  • Stealing a car that was entrusted to you, such as a car intended to be parked in a valet lot;
  • Stealing the car with access to the keys to joy ride, like a friend’s parent;
  • Taking a car without paying for it;
  • Failing to return a car rental.

Which Nevada crimes are related to auto burglary?

Because auto burglary is a type of theft crime and not its own, separate charge, if you have been arrested in Las Vegas for stealing a car, you run the risk that the prosecutor may decide to charge you with the most serious crimes involving vehicles.

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For example, the Nevada crime of carjacking is the most serious offense because it involves force, violence, or threats of force or violence to steal a car. If you do not succeed in taking the car away, you can still be charged with attempt. Carjacking can involve charges of robbery, battery, and/or assault .

And remember, burglary itself does not require anything to be stolen. Instead, it means you entered the vehicle only with the intent to steal something. The prosecutor does not have much to prove that you intended to steal the car if you were in it and were not the owner.

How does Nevada punish the crime of auto burglary?

If you are charged with grand larceny of a motor vehicle in Nevada, the punishment will depend on how much the car is worth. As with all Nevada theft crimes, the value of the property determines the sentence.

For vehicles worth $3,500 or more, the charge is a Category B felony which carries 1 to 10 years in Nevada prison, fines up to $10,000, and restitution of the vehicle or the value of the vehicle.

For cars worth less than $3,500 the crime may be a Category C felony which carries a maximum prison sentence of 5 years.

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More Information

If you have been accused of auto burglary in Nevada, contact experienced auto burglary defense lawyer at LV Criminal Defense to begin your defense. There are many opportunities for a skilled lawyer to negotiate down the charges or even get them dismissed entirely. Don’t leave the future to chance or simply accept guilt when you have options and rights.